Q: hello 5i:
You receive a few kudo's at this time of year (though maybe not enough). It's a wonderful service and I say that having been a subscriber for about 8 years. But one thing I've always noticed: you have some very astute investors in your base. Not just the ones that catch mistakes, or the ones that ask detailed questions, but some that ask very simple and direct questions/comments. So, to you and to your membership, a very Merry Christmas
Paul L
You receive a few kudo's at this time of year (though maybe not enough). It's a wonderful service and I say that having been a subscriber for about 8 years. But one thing I've always noticed: you have some very astute investors in your base. Not just the ones that catch mistakes, or the ones that ask detailed questions, but some that ask very simple and direct questions/comments. So, to you and to your membership, a very Merry Christmas
Paul L