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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm looking to add an industrial to our dividend portfolio and looking at TIH, FTT or Any preference among these industrials or another to recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Serei on October 21, 2021
Q: I wd appreciate your ranking of the Canadian banks.
thank you
Read Answer Asked by John on October 21, 2021
Q: What is your opinion on the activist investor situation at CNR? I remember when this happened with CP a few years ago. Even though I never bought in, the stock did very well in the years following Hunter Harrison being appointed CEO.

I'm asking because I am currently light in industrials, I have postions in TT, WSP, TFI, XYL. I was considering a position in CNR for my RRSP.
Read Answer Asked by Ed on October 21, 2021
Q: A recent guest on BNN market call (Blackswan Dexterios) mentioned use index overlay to protect on the downside. Being in the sales game it is portrayed an the sprinkling of magic dust. Going under the hood they are obviously making the use of options.

What specific strategies involving options do you feel are useful for this type of strategy ? Buying or writing calls or puts or any strategies such as straddles etc. What are the pros and cons?

Thank you,

Read Answer Asked by paul on October 21, 2021
Q: Hi 5iTeam,

I realize that it was up a lot earlier this year - unfortunately I bought it after that ride was over. Do you have any thoughts as to why it hasn't been performing since June even on good days in the market? It also seems to be a low vol stock without much interest. I am waiting to see what happens on their earnings but I fear that the results may lead to a further dump. Thank you for your time and comments as always.
Read Answer Asked by Jason on October 21, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
What are your thoughts on the rumoured, from several sources, PYPL bid for PINS at around $70 a share? It seems like a lowball bid. Not much of a premium and not even close to taking out the yearly high of PINS. On what metric would you evaluate this bid and how does it compare to peer group acquisitions in the past couple of years? How do you see this playing out in the market? Other potential bidders?
Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 21, 2021
Q: loss aversion-when the pain of a loss is greater than the satisfaction from a win.
many of your members suffer from it and its a retail investors greatest sin
using xbc and mrs as examples you seem to be encouraging your readers. to hold on even though you say they are on a short lease-WHY!
take the loss use it at tax time, so many great companies to buy-aritzia, gsy, lspd, nvei -i could go on and. on.
and why do you keep insisting you have to give a company 3-5 years-where did that come from.?

Read Answer Asked by david on October 21, 2021
Q: Could you provide some general thoughts on some of the best Cdn blockchain ETF for a long tern buy & hold.
Read Answer Asked by CARL on October 21, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
I currently use my TFSA as my primary investment vehicle. As such, I've been trying to keep it as diversified as possible which has resulted in purchase of both growth stock and dividend stocks across various sectors. Examples of the dividend stocks include: TD, FTS, and T.

I am close to maxing out my contribution for the TFSA and now find myself in a bit of a pickle as I want to move out the dividend stocks in favor of growth names.

My plan now involves:
- selling the dividend positions in the TFSA
- opening a new RRSP account and re-buy these same dividend stocks
- redeploy the 'freed-up' cash within my TFSA into growth names

1.) Are there obvious pitfalls you can see with this strategy? I can't see any issues other than being a little clunky in execution.
2.) What are your current top-5 growth names (regardless of sector)

Read Answer Asked by Kyle on October 21, 2021
Q: Hi Peter,

I have been waiting on the sidelines to buy into the October volatility as we go into the end of the year seasonal strength. What would your sector preference and ranking be between industrials /materials/technology?
In the meantime tech has almost recouped its losses.
I have been dithering between AMD and MRVL and both have gone up nicely. Would you suggest I buy now (and which); or wait for a pullback end of month? I do have NVDA and QCOM, am a growth investor and any suggestions if I should keep QCOM or migrate to one or both of the two mentioned above ?
Thank you in advance for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on October 21, 2021