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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: CCS-u seemed to have had a correction mid-summer. I received your report on TCN-c and it looks extremely interesting. Am considering a purchase of one or both. Would you have a favourite or would you consider them equals from a point-of-view as investment opportunities? Is the U.S. housing market still booming?
Ed in Montreal
Read Answer Asked by ed on October 22, 2021
Q: Growth Portfolio: As of Sept. 30, 6 stocks plus cash accounted for greater than 51% of the value in the portfolio. Excluding cash those same six stocks accounted for about 47% of the investments. There are 8 positions of less than 2%.

Is this a just case of a limited universe from which to pick or a reflection on the top positions having the greatest potential and the small positions are, for lack of a better word, fill?
Read Answer Asked by Keith on October 22, 2021
Q: Good morning!

I hold a 1/2 position in Magna. I do believe in this stock longterm. With the shortages and things appearing to be priced in. Is it time to top up to a full position?

On a separate question what are your highest conviction growth pics in TECH for the 4Q.
Preferably US but can spribkle some Canadian names as well.

Thank you for the amazing input and service. It's been immeasurable.
Read Answer Asked by Adam on October 22, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and staff,
Thanks for the great information that you guys provide.
These are the holdings in my wife's TFSA account. I have owned CNR since March of 2020 and have done quite well but I'm wondering if this stock has reached the top of the price range and it's time to move on. The average Price Target is $165. Do you think that CNR still has upside or can you name two stocks to replace it.

Thanks and have a great day
Read Answer Asked by Joe on October 22, 2021
Q: I have a question about the dental health care space. I held onto Danaher for a few years, primarily for its dental holdings, but they were spun off into another company, Envista, in 2019. NVST has not performed as well as DHR since the spin-off, but its product lines are very well-regarded in the field (first-hand knowledge on this point). I believe that the products will maintain their popularity, but I would really like to hear your thoughts on the management of NVST, as well as how you feel the company as a whole will perform in the next few years.

I have been also considering starting a position in XRAY (again, first-hand knowledge of its product lines, which are very good), or pivoting towards distributors, such as HSIC and PDCO. As always, I appreciate your insight, and look forward to your response.
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on October 22, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
Back to PINS and PYPL again. Given SNAP’s lower earnings and Apple’s new privacy settings making it more difficult for advertisers on SNAP, would you expect PINS’ upcoming earnings to show a similar problem? If so, would PYPL have signed some form of NDA with PINS so that they would have knowledge of PINS’ upcoming earnings and any Apple privacy impacts?
Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 22, 2021
Q: Oil companies in Canada and globally over the last few years have suffered from low prices and now face the uncertainty of funding availability due to the climate change frenzy to choke off access to financial markets and to overall resistance to further expansion in production. In these circumstances it seems that many oil and gas companies will curtail further investment with the result that over time production will decline, perhaps at a faster rate than demand may decline. In effect they will become cash cows and pay out a greater part of cash flow to shareholders.
I was wondering whether you have done any research on this issue to get an idea of how this may play out and also the possibility that oil/gas prices may increase further and thereby increase fossil fuel company stock prices. Feel free to publish if you wish but not sure whether you might have addressed this issue already.
Read Answer Asked by angus on October 22, 2021
Q: Good Morning
This morning Peter McKeough is recommending that T is a buy. He is forecasting a 7.7 Price /Earnings ratio for the 2021 earnings.
Is this the right time to average down on this stock?
I will appreciate your insight as always.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on October 22, 2021
Q: Hello Peter,

The ETF's above are in the income portfolio. All have different yields that are paid out monthly. My question is, do any of these "dividends" increase over time? Not the yield but the actual payout per share?


Read Answer Asked by Kelly on October 22, 2021
Q: I have had very good returns with both and would like to take some profits off both and buy either tropicus or one semi- conductor position. Which semiconductor stock would you suggest? For 3/5 years. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on October 22, 2021
Q: Hello 5i
I have been selling options on the US stocks that I own to make a little extra money. IMy question has to do with buying back the option. I think what I do is ok but I want to check with you in case I am missing something. If I decide to buy the option back before expiration date, if I have a feeling that the stock price has a good chance of continuing to rise.

I check to see how much I made with the premium and combine that with the difference now between the strike price and the current value of the stock.. For instance, Costco at a strike price of $460. The stock is now $477, for a difference of $17. Then I check how much it will cost for me to buy the option back. In many cases, I will get pretty close to the original premiums,, say in this case, $210 rather than $250. Then I can sell another option. The only downside that I can see is if the stock price should decline after buying back the options. I would only do this, of course, with stocks that I wanted to hold anyway. Any problems here?
thanks for you service
Read Answer Asked by joseph on October 22, 2021