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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Here are two telecom French and the other Russian. I have herd several experts say that telecoms are not good investments because they always have to reinvest all there free cash and profits in upgrading there equipment and technologies. So is there any advantages in owning them in the next year or two besides the dividend? Would they hold up during a recession? Thanks for your insight which is always helpful.
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on January 04, 2022
Q: Considering the purchase of one of these two companies.
Both have had a nice pullback recently and Oracle has made a big purchase. Could you give me your opinion of both (plus and minus) and which would be your favourite for a 4 to 5 year hold.
A happy new year to all and a healthy and a prosperous year.
Read Answer Asked by John on January 04, 2022
Q: Hi guys,

Here are my u.s. holdings and percentage; cost 5.5%, nvda 5%, msft 4.5%, J 3.5%, amzn 3%, crwd 2.75%, abbv 2%, U 1.5%, upst 1.5%, veev 1.5% plus 2 etf's, arkk 3%, spy 3.5%
(Also i2i fund 1.5%)
Are there any red flags here or changes that you would recommend for a growth/balance portfolio? The rest of my portfolio is a cross between your (5i's) balance and growth funds.
Happy new year and stay safe,
Read Answer Asked by jim on January 04, 2022
Q: Dear 5i,
Is TEC ETF CAD hedged?
Does TEC ETF hold all stocks directly?
The MER for TEC is 0.39 and the MER for QQC.F is 0.26.
If one already owned 8% VFV and 10% VVL in an RRSP and wanted to increase technology exposure by 2% which one would you choose?

Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 03, 2022
Q: Looking for guidance on 2022 TFSA contribution. Currently have partial positions in these Tech companies of roughly equal amounts. Could you rank in order of best investment opportunity from current levels?
Do any of these companies overlap in their target market and if so which one should I focus on for better opportunity.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on January 03, 2022
Q: Can you buy and keep us securities in a TFSA?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on January 03, 2022
Q: Hi Peter and staff, Happy Holidays.

These are my holdings in TFSA account. Can you please suggest two more names, Canadian or US to add for the 2022 contribution.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Joe on January 03, 2022
Q: It's time to make my annual TFSA contribution. The goal of my TFSA is long term capital appreciation utilizing a concentrated, high-conviction portfolio of US equities, with risk profile somewhere between that of the 5i Growth and Balanced portfolios.

Currently, my TFSA holds: ADBE, GOOG, FIVE, NVDA, PAC, PYPL, SLQT, TOL.

Are any of these in the 'don't need to be owned' category? I am looking at SLQT in particular, still languishing amidst ongoing legal woes. Should this be kept? If not, would you please suggest a replacement? If so, then which of these should I add to: ADBE, NVDA, SLQT, TOL? I am full/overweight the other positions. Please disregard sector and market cap considerations; I am fully diversified in my other portfolios.

Please deduct as many credits as deemed appropriate for a complete answer, thank you very much and all the best for 2022.

Read Answer Asked by Walter on January 03, 2022
Q: I owned ECN.PR.A in my RRSP. I bought it primarily for income purposes. They were redeemed on December 31. I am thinking of reinvesting in ECN.PR.C with the funds that I received at redemption. What is the chance that it will be redeemed? What is the earliest that ECN can redeem these preferred shares?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 03, 2022
Q: As the Electric Vehicles become more mainstream I was wondering if its time to buy into the market. Have you been watching any of the EV players such as Tesla, Rivian or Lucid?
Also, what are your thoughts on Lion Electric her in Canada?

I was thinking of buying a small position in one or two of them just to not entirely miss the opportunity to be in on the beginning.


Read Answer Asked by Warren on January 03, 2022