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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: If I purchased company "A" at $40.00 with a 6% Yield.
Since then, company "A" has gone to $60.00 and the Yield looks close but frankly I have forgotten.
Is the current indicated Yield based on the Share or on the Price ?
Read Answer Asked by Cacey on October 29, 2021
Q: We have a balanced portfolio with a growth tilt. Current Industrial sector stocks held and their percentage in total portfolio are:
CAE-1.7%, WSP-4.9%, AC-1.9%, XBC-1.3%, XYL-1.9%, MRS-0.3% and etf CWW-2.5%.
Have some cash to add and have been looking at ATA or TFII or topping up one or more existing holdings. Dividend not necessary. Would appreciate your thoughts and/or alternative suggestions.
Many thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on October 29, 2021
Q: Any thoughts on quis at this time would be appreciated. It seems to be having trouble getting any traction. Analysts are still very positive on its potential but in comparison to my other tech stocks (I'm over weight tech and its the lagard) i also hold softchoice. my hesitation to part with it is fomo as the lowest of the analyst estimated is almost a double. Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Todd on October 29, 2021
Q: Hi,

Despite chip shortages, I'm considering taking my first position in a vehicle manufacturer. I'm specifically interested first in LCID and second in F. While I expect F to have some very experienced managers/executives/board members, what can you tell me of the people directing LCID? Lots of previous experience and are they up for the task?

Read Answer Asked by Cameron on October 29, 2021
Q: Do you have any investment ideas in the area of hearing assistance. The wearing of air pods appears to be ubiquitous and will accelerate the demand. Looking for a few company ideas to tuck away in my RRSP. Besides the chip companies are there any more direct way to play what I think is going to be a secular long term play. US Europe or Canada.

Thanks for all you do!
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on October 29, 2021
Q: Could you explain "goodwill" to me please.

Today on BNN Ross Healy was commenting on NTR and indicating that 60% of it's balance sheet was goodwill. I have googled it and am wondering if part of the answer is the customer base and the related contracts. If goodwill is intangible, then how to you come up with a number?

Is this 60% number something to be concerned about?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on October 29, 2021
Q: I’m thinking of expanding my energy holdings. I bought Whitecap a few months ago and have enjoyed a nice bump in value along with a solid dividend. I’m considering TVE, SU and/or ENB for a combo of dividend and SP appreciation. Could you please discuss the relative merits of each in a 1-2 year timeline. I’d definitely hold longer if the case can be made that green energy investment and ESG movements don’t derail fossil fuel companies from meeting existing market demand.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on October 29, 2021