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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The D2L IPO price was reduced suggesting less demand than expected. Would you still consider taking a position on Wednesday (when I believe it will start trading) or prefer a wait and see approach.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 01, 2021
Q: I am thinking about transferring more of my investment funds to the US. At the moment the ratio is about 50/50. Do you think this is a good move considering the antics of the present government.
Publish at your discretion.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 01, 2021
Q: Hello,

I have my RRSP, TFSA and non-registered accounts with Interactive Brokers Canada (IBKR). In reading a review about IBKR, I read some comments about “the possibility that holdings within a RRSP held with Interactive Brokers Canada may in fact be taxed by the US IRS in the event of death of the account holder.”

I researched this further and read that the US estate tax regime applies to US situs assets. US situs assets are property located in or having a connection to the US, including the following:
1. Real property located in the US;
2. Shares of US publicly traded companies (even if owned inside a Canadian RRSP);
3. Shares of US private companies;
4. Cash accounts with US brokerage firms;
5. Tangible personal property located in the US with some degree of permanence; and
6. Certain debts owing by a US debtor.

The IRS website indicates “Estate tax treaties between the U.S. and other countries often provide more favorable tax treatment to nonresidents by limiting the type of asset considered situated in the U.S. and subject to U.S. estate taxation.”

I own US stocks and ETFs (ex. AAPL, SPY, QQQ) in my RRSP and TFSAs. I also hold US$ cash in my non-registered account. Considering that there are significant investment opportunities in the US, I am loathe to stay away from investing in the US markets.

My questions are as follows:
1. Is there an estate tax treaty with the US to prevent (double) taxation? I would assume paying the necessary taxes in Canada would absolve the estate from having to pay any further taxes in the US.
2. Would it matter if my RRSP and TFSA are held in a purely Canadian brokerage such as RBC instead of IBKR which has a presence in both US, Canada and other countries?
3. Is a TFSA considered a non-registered account in the eyes of the IRS, specifically from the point of estate taxes.
4. Any other items to consider?

I would really appreciate your views and comments as I am sure this will be of interest to a fair number of your subscribers. Please deduct as many credits as required.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Vir on November 01, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
I'm trying to put together a materials allocation for my portfolio that pay a dividend. These are the companies I have come up with that pay a stable dividend and appear to not have too much related business. Is more diversification needed and can you make recommendations. Also is there any better replacements for these companies I would like to have at least a two percent dividend. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Mark on November 01, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
I hold NFI in a reg'd account where I endeavour to buy and hold. A while ago it was up nicely but then lost all its gains and more when the revised guidance came out. Now, with its recent soft recovery and dividends accounted for it's back in black, slightly.
I'm not optimistic about NFI's next couple of years and would like to see better capital gain and dividend income from the funds currently in NFI, and I'm considering WJX as a replacement. What do you think of this move and, if not WJX, can you suggest another one or two names for me to consider?
Much the same circumstances and question regarding AQN, which I think is somewhat stale these days and may be for a few years to come. I'm considering CPX as a replacement and would appreciate your opinion on that move, and your suggestions of one or two other than CPX if you think leaving AQN behind is wise but CPX might not be the answer.
Thanks and please deduct accordingly.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 01, 2021
Q: Hi 5i,
I know you haven’t been big fans of BLDP and neither have I. I don’t know if it ever made any money. However, in the past few weeks it has announced a couple of development partnerships and a fuel cell deal to power a Talgo passenger train in Spain on a trial next year with expected commercialization in 2023. Is it too early to climb aboard? The stock price seems to be gaining a bit of traction lately as well.
Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 01, 2021
Q: Can you provide comments on the Company's annual report?
Also the Company's CEO has repeatedly stated (multiple press releases reference this) that the Company will be at a revenue run rate of $2 million per month by the end of the year. If the Company were to achieve this, what is implied share price based on what competitors are trading at? Based on my estimates of $24m of annual revenue and comparables trading at 25x revenue this would imply a share price potential of over $3. It is currently just over $1.
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on November 01, 2021
Q: I am looking for monthly income. So far I am considering ZEB, KEY, PPL, and either HHL-B or HHL-T. Your opinion on those, and any suggestions you have, please.
Read Answer Asked by James on October 29, 2021