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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am buying Ethereum via ETHX.B:CA, but would like to invest in some other cryptocurrencies such as Solana. Would you be able to recommend a financially secure Canadian company where I can purchase cryptocurrencies and have that company hold the currencies on my behalf? My son is using, but I have no idea if the company is financially secure.
Read Answer Asked by Grant on January 04, 2022
Q: Hi Team,

Can you recommend 5 REITS for investing new dollars for 2022?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 04, 2022
Q: Hi Peter and Team, Happy New Year!

I have been following the Balanced Equity Portfolio as close as I can since the first day it was available in 2013. Congratulations on the great build and success with that portfolio!

Over time, I've had some deviations and don't have exactly the weights you have per the last report. I keep adding cash to the investments every month and have also spend some time building up some ETFs to reflect the "rest of the world."

My question is this - let's say I can top up weightings on BE Portfolio names, which ones would be the most buyable today based on current conditions and outlook. I am long term (like I said, held the BE Portfolio since inception and a number of the names I owned before the BE Portfolio was created), and want to keep making the annualized rate of return it's been delivering.

The names that I have the biggest gap to in the BE Portfolio are CSU (rode from $214 to $1650 but had to sell to fund a home purchase and never bought back and its kept going up) and WSP (just had less cash at the time).

Original weighting target has been 5% in 20 names.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on January 04, 2022
Q: I'm interested in investing in 5G stocks. I sold my Keysight Technologies (KEYS) shares and would like to reinvest in the company. How would you rate KEYS at the current price and for the longer term? What are the other few other 5G companies and ETFs you would recommend to invest?

What do you think of CIEN (Ciena) stock which I own? Is it a very good stock with strong growth to hold for a long time? How would you rate CIEN with its major competitors? Which two or three companies (major competitors) you like in the same field?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Helena on January 04, 2022
Q: Hi, Happy new year!!

When looking at the long term rates of return of Emerging markets, developed INTL markets, Canadian and US stocks, the US has outperformed by a mile. I hold mostly stocks that are Cdn and US and I have global international and developed exposure through the mentioned ETF's, which only account for around 6% of my total portfolio. My questions are:

1. What is the simplest way to break down portfolio exposure without getting too overly complicated and detailed? Currently I break it down by where they trade. But for example, I hold stocks such as BAM, SLF, GOOG, JPM, V which are more global. How would I go about classifying some of these stocks? Would I allocate some % of these towards international exposure based on the company revenue breakdown, etc? any other metrics? Any good sites that easily summarize this info. or do I need to go looking through the companies financial statements?

2. Is there any mean reversion long term between CDN, US, INTL, and EE markets? So since INTL and EE has underperformed so much lately, is it time to rebalance equities from US to CDN/INTL/EE? Or for a long term growth investor, is the US still the best place to invest for growth whereas INTL/EE look cheap and have better value, although slower growth? Thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Keith on January 04, 2022
Q: What is a good price point to buy UPST, GOOGL, NVDA, LSPD.TO, ATZ..TO and SHOP.TO and NVEI.TO for 2022?
Read Answer Asked by V on January 04, 2022
Q: Hello Peter, I like your article on the National Post about the five areas to invest in for 2022. I have a few questions: for the small cap space, would Aritzia , ATS Automation and Topicus fit the category? In the large cap space, would AMZN be a good stock (instead of AAPL) as it has not done much in 2021? what do you think of the renewable energy space as it did not do well in 2021 (i.e BEP, etc). Lastly is the definition of small caps in relation to market caps less than $1 billion or ? Thanks very much. Happy new year
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 04, 2022
Q: Hi 5i and Happy New Year!

I hold the above noted stocks/ETF in a TFSA.
The only 2 that are above water are Nanoxplore (GRA:CA) and PayPal (PYPL:US).
Question 1). Which would you recommend keeping?
Question 2). Which would you recommend selling?
Question 3). With ESG values in mind, what would be your top 3 CAD stocks and top 3 US stocks for this year's $6000 TFSA contribution?

Thanks for all that you do!
Read Answer Asked by Brian on January 04, 2022
Q: Last week Stelco announced a licensing agreement / partnership with a company called Primobius to enter the Electric Vehicle Battery recycling space. Sounds forward - looking and in the emerging green energy theme , but I have no ability to assess the immediate and longer term implications for the company.
Your insight would be appreciated .
Read Answer Asked by William on January 04, 2022
Q: I haven't asked any questions for quite some time so I would like to ask on 2 USA stocks.Thanks for your GREAT service over the years as I have been a member since it started and it has been a great help for my as I am retired 84 and enjoy reading the short questions and your educational answers.Best to you Ryan and your staff.Jim
Read Answer Asked by jim on January 04, 2022
Q: My 25 years old son is starting a portfolio by buying all equity ETFs XSP (30%), TEC (30%), and XWD (40%) in Canadian dollars, which he intends to hold for a long time. 1. Is the selection of ETFs OK ? 2. Are there better alternatives in performance and fees? 3. Is the allocation OK? 4. Do you have any suggestion? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dev on January 04, 2022