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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have some extra USD money from a small US pension that is used for going to Florida in the winters. Since we have not gone in the last two years, I would like to put some of it in our TFSA. My questions are, if I buy say TD on the NY stock exchange would the dividend in US dollars be subject to 15% withholding tax. Could you please give me several companies I could buy into if this is true. Could you also give me several US companies or ETF's that would give me a dividend and hopefully growth for a long term hold. Thank you for all the help I get for being a member. Gary
Read Answer Asked by Gary on January 06, 2022
Q: Hi group what you feeling on the big tech stocks at present are they a buying opportunity or a value trap? also is oil an attractive entry point right now or is it just a blip to the upside thanks for your insight. what your favorites in tech / energy or should i just stay away till everything settles down
Read Answer Asked by Terence on January 06, 2022
Q: Good morning, I have 32 positions spread between the two TFSA's that I manage. I'd like to get that down to 25. The above are holdings that have fallen to less than half positions and I'm wondering if you could suggest 6 or 7 for removal. Also are there any that you would add to in order to bring them up to half positions. Secondly, without knowing my weightings, do you have a suggested sector or two for this years TFSA contribution?
Read Answer Asked by Rod on January 06, 2022
Q: Happy New Year!
As a broad-ish generalisation, could one substitute 'structured notes' as an asset class in a portfolio with one or more covered call ETFs?
Read Answer Asked by David on January 06, 2022
Q: Hi,

I need a good dividend energy stock, with some growth, and limited volatility, for the next couple years? Can you give me 2 of your favourite CDN and 2 US picks?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on January 06, 2022
Q: Happy New Year from Panama!

I will be receiving RRIF payments at the end of each month going forward.
My question to the team is could you please give me a couple of US and CDN stock ideas? looking for safety of principal, with some growth,and monthly payouts? or quarterly?

Thanking you in advance

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 06, 2022
Q: I currently hold Maple Leaf Foods (MFI.CA) in my TFSA. It appears to be currently trading around its fair value (at least according to Morningstar). And MFI.CA just announced that it is reviewing its recent investments in plant based protein products (like veggie burgers). So it future growth prospects may be suspect.

I suspect it may be a good time to exit. Can you recommend another consumers staples stock for my TFSA as a long term hold?

Or maybe I should not have ANY exposure in the consumer staples sector in my TFSA given the slow growth and typically lower returns in the long run in this sector. Your thoughts please!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 06, 2022
Q: Hi, We have 3 TFSA accounts, where we sold some SHOP, last year and made cash withdrawals. As a result, this year, we have available contribution room between $30-40k, in each account. We like to wait for an opportunity for a Growth stock to transfer from our Non Regd accounts ( there are separate accounts for each) for an in-kind contribution. Present allocation in the TFSA accounts is as follows.
CSU 25-30%
SHOP 35%
LSPD 30%
NVEI 10%

We are not worried about concentration, as TFSA funds are less than 5% of our Total Investment Portfolio, which is fairly diversified. Objective is to optimize Growth stocks in a TFSA setting. There is sufficient quantity in Non regd accounts, for all the five stocks listed in the question.

We were planning to add SHOP, with today's 10% decline and some TOI, as we have none in TFSA's.

What would be your recommendation ?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on January 06, 2022
Q: I keep hearing that a rise in interest risks adversely affects tech stocks. Understand that comment in the context of companies that are reliant upon financings but don’t understand it in the context of the FANG stocks which are cash rich and have significant pricing power. Please clarify.
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on January 06, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,

Could you please give me your opinion of the stock at current price levels? I have been holding on to it through the decline and am wondering if it should have a place in the risky portion of the portfolio? With the rotation out of growth providing opportunities at now lower valuations, where would you place OSTK in the spectrum?
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on January 06, 2022