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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Greetings 5i team,
I hold WELL and DSG in my TFSA to the tune of about 1.5% each of my overall portfolio. I am considering selling one or both and concentrating on one of three companies: WELL, DSG or GSY. If we were to ignore company size, sector, diversification and strictly look at 5 yr growth potential, would you 1. Hold one or two of these names and 2. In which order do you think has / have the most potential?
I am not averse to holdings of < 3% if I might add to them in the future.
Thank you as always.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on February 09, 2022
Q: Are there additional tax implications for Canadians who own more than $100,000 in US equities?
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on February 08, 2022
Q: Hello Peter and team,
What do you think of cenovus results? I have three stocks in oil sector: cve, wcp, and arx. Do you think i should switch cenovus to Tamarack Valley.. Eric Nuttall on BNN seems to think cenovus is an excellent buy but the results this am did not sit well with investors in pre-market.. Please advise. thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on February 08, 2022
Q: Hi,
There were a few questions in January 2022 about both the US/Canadian banks. Your answers seem to be favour holding some banks b/c of rising interest rates and more recent earnings results.

What are your favorite bank ETFs in Canada and in the US? (US ETFs are a lot cheaper to buy and hold). Do you still feel optimistic about this sector?

This is for my RRSPs. So, withholding tax is not a factor.

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on February 08, 2022
Q: What resource(s) would you recommend for beginners to learn about stock options, from the ground up? Is there a way to practice strategies and analyze results without using real money?
Read Answer Asked by Alfred on February 08, 2022