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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In reference to having Canadian stock that pay dividends in US$ transferred to the US side of your account. I did this but it didn't work out !! My broker would do a double conversion. They would receive the US funds convert them to CDN$ then back to US$ to put in my US$ account.
Read Answer Asked by Larry M. on March 24, 2022
Q: HI folks.
Happy Spring.
I believe that I once saw your List of Canadian Companies that pay their dividends in US dollars. Would you please send me the link.
I am slowly going to sell off and then rebuy the stocks that I own in Canadian $ ( over the the US $ side of my accounts with existing US $ cash). Is this the best plan in order to avoid FX charges and receive my dividends in US$ ? At what point is it not worth it??
Much thanks
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on March 24, 2022
Q: Greetings:

These three companies have not fared well over the past 12 months and I wonder about company specific issues? If I I look at other companies in the same sectors AW.UN for instance it has done pretty well compared to Restaurant Brands over the same period, and CGI hasn’t performed nearly as poorly as Open Text as another example. Do you see any changes in fundamentals for these three that concern you going forward?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on March 24, 2022
Q: Have some cash in my US $ portfolio and am considering these 6 stocks.

1) Are there any that you would want to buy at this time ? If so, would you consider them primarily to be a shorter time hold to take advantage of near term bounce, or do you see them as having the potential for both short and long term strength ?
2) Of those you would want to buy – if any - could you rank the order in which you would buy and acceptable price range.
As always, thank you .
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on March 24, 2022
Q: Good afternoon 5i staff, Which asset class or classes are friendly for investors during a recession? For stocks, which sectors are to invest during a recession?

Two railway stocks, CP and CNR, which one do you prefer or should consider to split money equally to buy both of them?


Read Answer Asked by Lin on March 24, 2022
Q: I am a young retiree with a well diversified portfolio. I could use some stability and dividend in my portfolio which is more focused on growth. Can I have your assessment on Russel metals. It seems that the economy should continue to do well even with some inflation as the markets seem to have digested the increase in rates. The world will always need metals to manufacture things. Why is Russel so cheap? Why is it not in your income portfolio?

Thanks a million LOL LOL
Read Answer Asked by Yves on March 24, 2022
Q: Hi Team: I currently have 21% of my portfolio in Canadian oil stocks (Cenovus 10%, Suncor 8% and Westcap Res. 1%). I’m concerned that this may be too overweighted in oils for current market and economic conditions. If it is in your opinion, what would you trim and by how much? If it matters in your consideration, 24% is in fixed income.
Read Answer Asked by Bob on March 24, 2022
Q: Dear 5i
I was thinking it might be a good idea to invest some cash in the wheat and steel sectors given their expected rise over the next year or so .
Perhaps RS for steel and maybe BG for wheat . Would you agree with these two selections or would you recommend something else ?
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on March 24, 2022
Q: Further to my March 18 question: redeploying my 100% cash position. Using the BE portfolio as an example and assuming 6 equal monthly investments. Would you buy partials across the board, or go with full positions in 3-4 companies each month. If the latter, which order would you suggest.
Thanks Peter.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 24, 2022
Q: I’ve landed on 200k and looking to invest. Would appreciate your advice how to disperse my money. 5-7 year time frame, and money will be mostly invested in a tfsa.

What are your top 10-15 growth stocks (Cnd and/or US) to begin a portfolio. Top 2 ETF’s.

Also, do you believe 5 years is long enough for a full recovery in the market ?
Thanks for everything!

Read Answer Asked by Nick on March 24, 2022