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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Happy New Year!
I have little to no exposure to the metals sector and would like to pick up one stock. I was thinking about Teck due to its size and relative safety but would love to hear your favourites at different size/risk levels. Also love a quick comment about whether you believe the sector will continue to do well
Read Answer Asked by Bryan on January 24, 2022
Q: As a follow up to my last question on PINS, what names do you think are most attractive on this tech selloff considering a mix of quality/growth (like a middle ground of ones that been seemingly oversold but also are quality names that can weather a storm).

Would PINS be high on that list? What are 3 others? Any info on their valuations/growth prospects is appreciated!

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Max on January 24, 2022
Q: Good Morning 5i,
I would like your opinion on investing in CDR listings in Canada to gain exposure to the US market with much less of my investment dollars allocated to each individual stock. With the pull back currently going on in the markets the timing to go into the US when things settle down could be very good. If you like the CDR route, which stocks would you suggest to pick up? Please deduct whatever credits are necessary in order for you to give full consideration to my question. Thanks for your assistance!
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on January 24, 2022
Q: If Canada Goose was to beat estimates soundly as is their history for the coming quarter earnings (large share price increases follow reporting), how would this be viewed in the current market? Or would the current down draft ignore this and continue the downward pressure. For that matter if any company was to beat estimates this quarter is the selling pressure too much to overcome?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on January 24, 2022
Q: With the Nasdaq now down more than 15%, what would be your top 5 picks in the tech sector (both Canada and US) for growth given at least a 5+ year hold period?

I'm looking for stocks with great fundamentals that have just taken an unfair beating due to sector rotation and fear selling.
Read Answer Asked by David on January 24, 2022
Q: With physical battery grade Nickel stockpiles emptying do you have any recommendations for producers or an ETF that would be a good investment on the Canada or the US stock market?
Read Answer Asked by Murray on January 24, 2022