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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Countering inflation, can you recommend your favourite 6 companies in Canada and the US with pricing power (dividend payers would be appreciated) Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 27, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
On yahoo, i get a pe of 32 for shopify. Does this make sense ? What are the metrics one should use to evaluate good value for shopify? Given that there is competition for shopify, do you think the company deserve a full weighting of 5 percent? I am just concerned about what happened with black berry (RIM in early days) when apple and samsung came along.. can this happen to shopify as well as there is competition building.. Much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 27, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
I think of your investment style as growth oriented long-term investor. But at the same time, you have been a portfolio manager and adjusted portfolios to manage yearly returns as well. You have experienced and managed similar downturns as they go through corrections in a rising rate environment. I would appreciate your opinion on how to adjust the portfolio in the current environment.
With the US (and Canada) central bank expected to raise rates about 4 times, the dollar index should be strong? That should not be good for commodities, particularly for gold and silver. But then inflation is going to be high too. What does it mean for gold/silver stocks and how would you adjust the portfolio weight as of now; and the bias between large (AEM, FNV,PAAS) and small caps such as KRR, MMX and WDO.
And the growth stocks, in particular technology stocks- FAANNGS (including NVDA) and other very high valued stocks such as AFRM,UPST,CRWD, DOCU,ROKU,TTD etc. I feel they will rebound but not much. Would you hold them through to the year end or rotate into traditional financials, commodities, and cyclicals in the near term. If rotating, would you do it immediately? Would be grateful if you could include your suggestion for the individual stocks too.
Finally, the persistent downward drift of ATVI – am I missing something? Did we learn anything from the microsoft call yesterday?
I know this has multiple questions and you deduct credits accordingly. I am very interested in learning from you - how you would go about portfolio adjustments and beat the market come December 2022.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on January 27, 2022
Q: for a RRIF and LIRA, what 5 names, both Cdn or US names would you suggest considering at this time. for the RRIF, more conservative suggestions as the funds will be withdrawn over the next 5 years and for the LIRA, a balanced approach with a tilt to growth, but excluding cyclical positions, that will be held for the long-term without active trading....thanks....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on January 27, 2022
Q: Hi Peter and Team
Although a lot of down positions in my RRIF, I would like your opinion on whether to continue to hold XBC and Acuity Ads; both down so much that they make up less than 1% of the portfolio.
Would you hold on, or switch to a couple of your recent suggestions, ANRG and CTS (that have aslo dipped since your December reports.
Don't worry about tax loss and the RIFF is long term growth.
Cheers, Peter
Read Answer Asked by Linda on January 27, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,
I currently own Cnr 4%, ata 3%, tfii 3%.
For diversity and best 2022-2023 prospects, which does 5i like best: aos or itw or wsp? Which has the highest projected growth for the next two years? Which is the best value at today’s prices? Is there an industrial in Canada or the US that 5i likes better? Perhaps Nvee?
Read Answer Asked by Kat on January 27, 2022
Q: Hi
I put ZGRO in my non-registered account knowing that it had US and foreign underlying stocks but Google Finance was showing that it had no dividend, which makes sense for a growth stock. But once I bought it, I see that it has a small divvy. I'm not too concerned with the tax consequences but I suppose it should have been better to place this in an RRSP?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 27, 2022
Q: Please shed light on what has been happening to Boyd. Its price has been in a fairly steady decline from over $250 in October to around $175 today. Some decline is to be expected in this current period of economic uncertainty, but 30%, steadily, over 3 months? New and used cars are in short supply these days due to the chip shortage and transportation bottlenecks, so why aren't people spending as much or even more on repairs to their older cars? Is Boyd suffering from internal problems of some kind? I am puzzled by what's been happening, over a period of many weeks, to a company with such a solid longer term record. What does the market know that I don't?
Read Answer Asked by Philip on January 27, 2022
Q: Re: Brian's question about this fund - You quoted a MER of 2.36% where the actual MER is 1.57% (Series X) . Would your answer still be the same.
Read Answer Asked by Jack on January 27, 2022
Q: Everyone,
I see many questions on were will the price of the stock will be in this time frame or that time frame. I buy the best of the best stocks so my process is to look back 3, 5 and 10 years and this will be a good indication on the direction of that stock. It’s the QUALITY and TIME in the market that is very important - not a is it a good time to get into the stock today. Today the sun shines and it will also shine in 5 and 10 years.
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on January 27, 2022
Q: Hi Research Team

I"m interested in Tech companies with good to great Free Cash Flow going forward?
Does your team have a list of 10 U.S. Tech companies and 5 Canadian Tech companies that would fall into this criteria?
Read Answer Asked by cal on January 27, 2022