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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What are the best types of stocks to include in TFSA for long term hold (15-20yrs) with medium risk tolerance? Growth only or growth + income? Have heard that dividend stocks in TFSA can be good as income can compound over time tax free but if the growth outperformes the dividend yield would that not be better? Also could you include your top 10 Canadian picks right now for allocation in TFSA (sector doesn't matter)? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Theron on April 05, 2022
Q: Hi
In a past question I was provided these US stocks to purchase: VZ, DUK, GILD, ABBV, O. I was looking for: low to moderate risk and high dividend yields I am again looking for another 5 to 7 stocks with similar criterion. As I am trying to build a US portfolio, please provide some diversification suggestions as well. Thanks, Len
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on April 05, 2022
Q: the metals are taking a shellacking today, do you know the reason?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on April 05, 2022
Q: Looking to lighten the load on above names. In terms of growth please rank their prospects over at least 3-year time horizon. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Randall on April 05, 2022
Q: Hi 5i,

In a recent newsletter by Richard Bernstein Associates they talk about a coming paradigm shift for investing in the next decade. They talk about the breakdown of globalization and the persistence of higher inflation and that asset class leadership will change.

They suggest the new paradigm will be to move away from long-duration assets (i.e. growth, technology, cryptocurrencies, residential real estate, and long term fixed-income) and that the longer term opportunities are in pro-inflation assets such as energy, materials, industrials, commodities, commodity related countries, gold and some real estate assets.

Question 1
I know no one can predict the future of the markets but I am interested in getting your thoughts on their paradigm shift idea?

Question 2
How would this paradigm shift be viewed through the lens of an ESG type of investor (i.e. someone that doesn't want to invest in fossil fuels, companies that wreak havoc on the environment, etc.?)

Read Answer Asked by Brian on April 05, 2022
Q: Hello,

Can I have your thoughts on the 1-3 year potential this stock? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by ANDY on April 05, 2022
Q: Ross Healey on Market Call this morning was asked a question about WSP . He didn't just dislike it he said " it belongs in the trash bin " and went on to make a case that it was WAY over valued . He was scathing in his criticism ...... I own it and sitting on a 278% profit and because of that rise it has risen to an 8.4% position ..... Which is a tad over my comfort level but not unduly for a blue chip company . But I've got to admit he scared me a bit .... Could you comment on his thesis ? Thanks Garth ....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 05, 2022
Q: Thinking about purchasing a little bit of these before the split. If I were to buy the CDR version in Canadian funds, on the NEO Exchange, would I still get some kind of split, or would they not be eligible? Also, is there any big disadvantage to buying the CDR version? Thanks so much…
Read Answer Asked by Jill on April 05, 2022
Q: Hello team,

Ross Healy was on BNN and suggested that BAM is valued at the absolute top end of it’s range “the stock is at 2x book value which is at a high over the last 15 years”. Not done he then added “the 2022 earnings have gone right into the ditch and our FMV has cratered with it, it’s no wonder shares are softening.”

I follow Brookfield as closely as anyone and earnings going in a ditch? I see a beat on DE, FFO, increased flows from private funds. I see increased tailwinds from the spin off to the transition fund to the increased fee bearing capital and continued capital deployment. Also, I see the CURRENT NAV at $68 a share so a ~13% discount.

Needless to say I am on the polar opposite side of his commentary.

What am I missing hear and can you please elaborate on his argument.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by James on April 05, 2022
Q: I hold this ETF in my riff along with canadian BCE and T Its performance and yield are not the best. I initially liked the mix rather than just adding something like verizon or ATT US telecom exposure. Is this worth holding in this enviroment? thanks for your opinion
Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 05, 2022