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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i Team - According to my calculations Lightspeed has about $7 per share in cash. Could you confirm if this accurate. Since the stock is now in the mid-thirties is this a fairly high proportion of the price to have in cash. Has Lightspeed indicated how they might use their cash e.g. acquisitions, R&D, etc.

Secondly, with the restaurant business opening up again, shouldn't this be good for Lightspeed and is it being overlooked in today's share price.

Thirdly, what multiples would you use to value Lightspeed at a price in the 35 to 40 dollar range.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on February 22, 2022
Q: Hi

Based on what is happening, that is not going to end anytime soon.

Is it time to reduce our Canadian investments and move the lions share to the US and

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Mike on February 22, 2022
Q: CELH is due to report (date please)? The least little bit of a miss everything in this Market drops about 20% and so do you think it will have a bit of a miss? ALB - it had quite a drop, were the earnings that bad or another one to fall if everything isn't perfectly aligned? Your thoughts are appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on February 22, 2022
Q: I have the above listed in my US $ account, all in a positive position. Is it time to add or should I hold until market direction is more positive (re Ukraine).
What would be your sequence of adding.
Thanks for your help as always.
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on February 22, 2022
Q: I'd like to start picking up some tech stocks and am looking for recommendations in Canada and the US. Currently thinking of the following:


Do you like this list or are there changes you would make to my list?
Read Answer Asked by Carla on February 22, 2022
Q: I'm thinking the drop in OTEX price is making it look attractive. The current P/E of 24 looks reasonable for this company but I'm seeing a range of forward P/E of 14 to 55 for OTEX. Are you aware of any concerns over future earnings? Do you consider
CSU:CA as more attractive for a 5 year hold?
Read Answer Asked by Murray on February 22, 2022
Q: With the mandates and Covid restrictions being relaxed/lifted could you name 10 stocks that might see good momentum and growth.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 22, 2022
Q: I own EIF in my TFSA. It has proven to be a steady dividend paying stock, holding up quite well in this downturn. My other stocks are small cap, some up some down. However, history has shown that the recent decline in stock prices present an opportunity for oversized gains. I would not expect this with EIF, and am looking to BAM, GSY, and MG for a larger eventual bounce, with the NASDAQ 100 as another option. TFSA Is a small part of total portfolio. Your thoughts on this switch with a discussion on these 4 is appreciated. Derek
Read Answer Asked by Derek on February 22, 2022
Q: Hi,
I have $20,000 to top up my TFSA and wonder what would be best considering my above holdings. Should I add to any of the above or can you suggest any other stock or ETF that would be most suitable for growth and preservation. Your advice is most appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Penny on February 22, 2022
Q: I have friends that have sold mutual funds and wondered why the final proceeds seem so much less than they expected based on recent monthly statement values (i.e. they've sold a day after the their last statement in an up market). Why do mutual funds valuations seem a bit contrived? Are there hidden fees deducted from the sale proceeds in general? If so, what % are they typically?
Read Answer Asked by DAVE on February 22, 2022