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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The above stocks all seem to be pretty good value, do you agree? How do you see the next 6-12 months for them? Should I consider certain growth stocks at this point instead?


Read Answer Asked by Stephen on February 28, 2022
Q: Just wondering if you would offer an opinion on what the likelihood is that both of these ETF’s could be higher a year from now? I guess what I am trying to ask is whether small caps in general might “revert to the mean” in terms of their historic relationship to larger caps regardless of whether growth or value is more in favour/out of favour?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on February 28, 2022
Q: RBC analysts seems very positive on Discovery yet the share price is still down.
Trading at about the same level it was 5 years ago. I am losing patience but fearful I will sell just before this starts to take off (I have a history .... don't ask !!). I am down about 20% since purchasing in early 2021 at around $35.00 USD. If you owned this would you stick with it ? Any short term catalysts or concerns I need to consider ?
Read Answer Asked by Randy on February 28, 2022
Q: I have losses in ANRG, AT, CIX, DOO, DSG, NVEI, PIF, SPB, STC, TIXT. Would you add to any of holdings or sell?
In what order would you sell?
Read Answer Asked by David on February 28, 2022
Q: Notice this is trading approximately 3% higher than its 52 week low. Pays a healthy dividend over 6%. Given the situation in the Ukraine, think now is a good time to jump in for the dividend (I am mostly interested in income) or is it possible the dividend may be cut ? If not, what would you see as an attractive entry point and do you feel the dividend should be safe longer term (and I assume you agree this situation with Russia will get fixed in the next 60-90 days).
Read Answer Asked by Randy on February 28, 2022
Q: Regarding Eugene’s question on market craziness you stated that the Nasdaq has only had a sharp reversal such as that of Feb 24, twice in the last 22 years.
Could you comment on those two reversals regarding the economic and market conditions under which they occurred and draw any similarities to the current situation.
Thank you for your great service
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on February 28, 2022
Q: acuity ads ,well health,enthusiastic gaming apps... pinterest....upst... nvda... please rate with the thoughts of long term potential
Read Answer Asked by cliff on February 28, 2022