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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter; For those members interested in how, where and why the ultra rich, including Ukrainian and Russian oligarchs, hide their ill gotten gains, the book Moneyland by Oliver Bullough is really fascinating. Publish if you wish. Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on May 13, 2022
Q: It's really hard to sit on my hands during this type of market but I am(so far). My question is about stocks that I have held that are now only 0.5% positions(at, lspd, eglx, well) and I am also down quite a bit on several others. I don't think I own any (weeds) but .5%-1% position sizes won't contribute much on a rebound. Do I consolidate here or revisited in a few months.

Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on May 13, 2022
Q: Hello guys
I am interested to do some tax loss selling for these stocks given steep drops over a year or so. Could you please weigh in on strategy and if you agree could you please propose some alternatives?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on May 13, 2022
Q: The company's has undertaken an acquisition strategy. Initial quarterly results have just come in. Do you feel this is a viable strategy and where could CIX be in 5 years? That said, at this price point ($14.30 or so a share) and a healthy dividend, could money be made on the stock over the next 2-3 years? Is $30 a share doable? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dick on May 13, 2022
Q: Sadly, APPS is down 65% since I purchased it and now is a mere pittance of my TFSA (.65% of my entire portfolio). Should I hang on and hope for better things? Or sell and use the proceeds to top up an existing holding? If the latter, would you top up NVDA or APPL?

I am also down 25% on LIF, which I purchased primarily for its generous dividend. Can you please explain why the dividend fell so steeply last quarter? And looking into that crystal ball you keep on your desk, what would anticipate will happen to both the stock price and the dividend going forward? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on May 13, 2022
Q: So all of a sudden all the stocks which have seen nothing but strong momentum for days, weeks, months, are a big buy. Stocks down 30-40% just this month, down 20% this week, are shooting up. I assume this is not everyone getting together and deciding to buy the stocks which have been pummeled, even though they'll probably all drop again tomorrow. It's programmed trading kicking in on some sort of signal we mere mortals don't get. What would that signal be?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 13, 2022
Q: Could you advise when each the above banks are expected to increase their dividends.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on May 13, 2022
Q: BAM says - "Our Asset Management Business Will be Listed and 25% Distributed to Shareholders"

Can you comment on how this is beneficial to shareholders of BAM.A?

Do you think it will it have an impact on BAM.A's share price?

Thanks for your advice. It is appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on May 13, 2022