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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i Team, and would appreciate your analysis of the just posted results from SentinelOne. Also, do you see any endearing qualities or strengths to the business as a long term opportunity in the cybersecurity sector, and how would you rank it as a buy with respect to the larger well-known names in the sector. Thanks from an appreciative member.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 16, 2022
Q: Hi Peter

What is your opinion on the following stocks as part of my income portfolio HHL,MKP ,PRV,CIX, WCP and GSY .
do you have any additional suggestions for high tech for an income portfolio

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Howard on March 16, 2022
Q: Looking to add to staples. 1. Currently have COST and would be willing to add - at what price? 2. Please advise which Food and Beverage staples you would recommend based GARP/ total return. 3. For personal services, again on GARP/ total return how would you advise. Names listed simply for illustrative purposes, please advise with rationale for selection.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by sam on March 16, 2022
Q: With reference to Paul's question on 16 Mar,

If prior to selling the stock, you arrange through the broker to transfer the stock to the Charity . This is called a "donation in KIND". Not all charities accept smaller transfers of less than $5000.00.

This is relatively easy using a form from the Brokerage or the Charity.

At tax time you must complete formT1170 in order to pay NO TAX.

Read Answer Asked by Ron on March 16, 2022
Q: Chinese vice-premier Liu He said China will boost the economy and introduce policies that are favorable to the stock market. Also China seems to be work with the US on delisting issues Chinese stocks.
Do you think it will shift the sentiment of Chinese stocks? Could it be the turning point?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Yongwei on March 16, 2022
Q: 5i
Assuming that a stock is held only in a registered account does the 30 day rule apply since 100% of the withdrawals from a registered account are taxable and no benefit (ie. cap gain or loss) would exist.
Read Answer Asked by Bryan on March 16, 2022
Q: I hold TTD, NVDA, UCTT, VEEV, APPS abd AFRM in the USD section of my RRSP. TTD and NVDA are still green, the others are down, 30-50% with AFRM down 76%. Do you see any holdings that should be sold and added to the others?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on March 16, 2022
Q: A while ago I asked 5I to run the numbers on HCAL as an example of one of Hamilton's new leveraged ETF's comparing both a covered call and similar market ETF and speculate on the return of their other ones ...... Below in quotations is the answer I got .....

" HCAL 1 month 1.7%, three months 0.85%, YTD 34.9%

ZWB 0.9%, 1.65%, 23.7%

ZEB 1.05%, 1.72%, 29.9%

The difference is likely very closely related to the leverage impact. We would not expect HDIV to be different. " .....

Clearly the Hamilton product out performed both the covered call and regular banking market ETF's

Please clarify the following answer given to Craig this morning ? .....

" For a long-term hold, we would side with either VUN or ZWH, as HYLD would cap long-term capital gains due ot the coverd call strategy. We would be fine with the prospects of both ZWH and VUN but side with VUN for a broader exposure to higher growth areas. "
Read Answer Asked by Garth on March 16, 2022
Q: ANRG's continuous share price slide to below $10 baffles me. I've read, extensively, the materials on their website and your Q&A's. The company continues to win new contracts and has a healthy backlog. I'm aware of the upcoming Year end and Q4 results. Fully invested, but afraid to take tax losses until after year end is announced. Can you provide any insight into the slide?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 16, 2022