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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter and Co, I have enjoyed the tax benefit of donating stocks to registered charities, thus avoiding the capital gains tax. Often I will repurchase the stock after it has been sold by the charity or its agent. If I donate a stock from my cash account and immediately purchase in m y TFSA, am I correct in assuming that the adjusted cost base of the donated stock or the portion of the stock remaining in the cash account is not impacted? This question has been posed to me so I am looking for some assurance.
With appreciation,
Read Answer Asked by Ed on March 15, 2022
Q: I have $35,000 CAD to invest in a non registered account. Can you suggest a couple of names worth looking at (US/Can)and why? I have a 7 year time horizon.

Thoughts on how you might deploy? Buy now, in thirds over the next few months or wait?


Read Answer Asked by Don on March 15, 2022
Q: Peter; As a long timer I need to reply to Jason’s comments re Unity. If Peter and Co. knew when the “ market” was going to suddenly dump any particular sector , Techs or otherwise , they would not be holding our hands now and still providing excellent advice on a daily basis - they’d be on their yatchs in a warm sunny place. If Jason knows when this might occur in the future please let us all know.
Publish if you wish.
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on March 15, 2022
Q: My question: Which railroad would be carrying crude to USA. which would 5i find favorable in this market. EQNR would the dividend be taxable and my research indicates it is very well operated. I am looking at 400 shares and 150 for railway
Read Answer Asked by Guy on March 15, 2022
Q: Hello Peter and team
What are the PE ratios for Nuvei and Shopify? Could you please provide your view on Greenlane Renewables and Ballard Powers recent results?
Read Answer Asked by umedali on March 15, 2022
Q: Hi. I still like both companies (veev,gh) but am going to sell for tax loss reasons and that they total between them 3% only of my portfolio. Am looking to consolidate into a single health care stock to go along with MDT which I already own in my portfolio. I like my positions to be at least 3% and not two smaller positions. Any suggestions. I was thinking ILMN. If you like ILMN please let me know why and what sets them apart. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 15, 2022
Q: KRR is 2.4% of my RRSP and I am up about 110% (also hold KRR and XGD in other accounts). Can you please tell me a bit more about KRR? I know it mines gold and nickel.
After significant declines with small caps like AT, XBC and REAL, I am a bit leery of KRR and wonder if its time to take a bit of profit, but I am reluctant with such good momentum. Can you please tell us again what dollar cap amount defines a small cap, med cap and large cap?
Read Answer Asked by Grant on March 15, 2022
Q: I'm trying to figure out why you were recommending Unity to your readers when it was most overvalued and now that it has fallen, you are less upbeat on the name. While hindsight is always 20-20, it seems to me that your views should have been reversed (discouraging readers from buying a stock that had popped up so much so quickly months ago but now perhaps being more interested in the name at this lower valuation). Do you feel that you were in error when you suggested this name as a pick? It was clearly too frothy over the last 6 months to one year when it was being recommended yet this did not factor into your comments it seems.
Read Answer Asked by Jason on March 15, 2022
Q: I am not a crypto guy at all but cannot ignore the hype/craze. If I were to dip a toe in what would be a trustworthy (in relative terms) platform to get started with?
Read Answer Asked by DAVE on March 15, 2022
Q: Given the potential for a resolution to the Ukrainian conflict, and a lowering of oil prices back to normal market levels, please give you thoughts and ranking (best to least) as to which of the following co.'s you would consider as having the most potential for a sustained upward growth pattern from current levels, over the next 2 years. KEL, SGY, TVE, HWX. Secondly, are there any of these that you would not want to own at these levels? Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Will on March 15, 2022
Q: Hi Team,
Should these three Chinese's ADR stock delisted from U.S. exchanges by US Government, would the owner of these ADRs can move to Hong Kong and relisting in Hong Kong market ? Or just completely vanished !
I understand my question is properly not quite your expert area, but hope you can comment on it !
Thanks as Always,
Read Answer Asked by Tak on March 15, 2022