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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Team,

I realize this question might be off the beaten track but was hoping you might be able to shed some light on the implications of holding a debenture issued by Cominar now that it is experiencing a change in control in favour of Iris Acquisition II LP.

I have received a corporate action notification that I have an option to receive $1010 CAD for every $1000 CAD principal amount of Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust 4.5% Series 11 Senior Unsecured Debentures due May 15, 2024 tendered. With no action on my part, debentures in respect of which the Optional Put Right is not exercised will remain obligations of Cominar under the terms and conditions of the Indenture and will continue to accrue interest in accordance with the terms of the Indenture.

Any idea in plain english if the debt obligation has a higher risk profile to the holder if the option is not taken? If you were the holder, would you exercise the option or do nothing?

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 18, 2022
Q: I received Class Action Notice for the above company dated March 1, 2022. It seems I am qualified to participate in the settlement as I purchased securities during the period Feb. 23, 2018, to Oct. 15, 2018. Specifically, I bought 413 RHT shares at $1.81 on June 21, 2018, and sold at $0.365 on Oct. 17, 2018. If I submit the Claim form how this would benefit me? Would Confirmation of Purchase and Sell documents from the TD be sufficient proof of ownership documents? As always, thanks for your comments.
Read Answer Asked by Hali on March 17, 2022
Q: I hold both NGD (about 1.7% position) and AR (currently about 0.8% position, but initiated at about 1.5%) among my positions in precious metals. AR corrected significantly over the last few months, but the share price seems to be rebounding since lows were established shortly after the New Year. Both NGD and AR have been outmatched by KRR (just about 3% position) , which has performed spectacularly over the last several months. I feel like I am decently positioned with KRR, and was wondering your thoughts on consolidating positions around either NGD or AR. Would this be worthwhile, or is staying put the more prudent approach for this issue? Alternatively, would you suggest selling both and initiating a position elsewhere, or further increasing my position in KRR?

As always, I look forward to your comments, and appreciate your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on March 17, 2022
Q: Hello Peter and team, I have held a position in the company for more than 10 years. It has been a roller coaster ride with a couple of boom and bust along the way. Recently, it has been recovering fast, with Covid restrictions lifting and people going back to offices. Does this run up have more legs? Is it time to trim? What will the rising interest affect REITS in general? Do you see better opportunities in REITS (not limited to office REITS)? Appreciate your insight!
Read Answer Asked by Ching on March 17, 2022
Q: I presently own Mawer US equity 108 and 150 global small caps
Would like your recommendations as to buying two more Mawer funds that are down a lot and may have some good upside in the next two/three years
Alternatively can you recommend an ETF instead of the mawer funds you choose since the etf would have lower fees
Finally would You choose the Mawer funds over the ETFs you recommend in spite of the higher Mawer fees with the expectation of better returns from Mawer ?
I would like to purchase with Canadian dollars
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Indra on March 17, 2022
Q: In march,2021 you published a special opportunities report on 10 top picks beginning with byd,csu.
We would be pleased if you could provide an update.
Would you make any changes?

Read Answer Asked by Terry on March 17, 2022
Q: Given the recent price jumps in some of the US recommendations you have been making, can you give me your top 5 long-term holds in terms of their current price?


PS. I understand your timelines, but if you could answer quickly because tomorrow morning will be my last buying opportunity for the next week.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on March 17, 2022
Q: Hello, conservative investor and thinking about adding an oil and gas ETF into my portfolio and am looking at XEG vs HEE. Now, I know HEE writes covered calls, so I was surprised when looking at 5 and 10 year returns that HEE's return was lower than XEG. Conversely, in up years, HEE had higher returns than XEG. I would have expected this to the be the opposite. Are you able to say why this has been the case? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by jeff on March 17, 2022
Q: Hello 5i,

In our registered accounts we have BEP.UN, BEPC, FTS, AQN, BAM.A, BIPC, WSP. All of these stocks performed very well for 2+ years thanks to 5i. We trimmed each of the stocks to 1%-2% positions between August and October when prices were elevated with the intention of repurchasing if they dropped. With rising interest rates and inflation now it may not make sense to repurchase. Would it be viable to:
Retain one of FTS (2% position) or BEP.UN (2%) or sell both?
Retain BAM.A and WSP, and increase each to 3% or 4% with the proceeds from the sale of the other stocks?
or Any other suggestions?

Thank you

Debbie and Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 17, 2022