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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I understand that you, generally, are not fans of ultra-short etfs and their ilk for various (very valid) reasons. However, if an exception were to be made, would it apply to the "Advisorshares Dorsey Wright Short"? Running it through the excellent Qtrade Portfolio Simulator in conjunction with my current portfolio produces excellent downside risk protection and diversification numbers with minimal reductions in performance, income and fee numbers. Your perspective would be much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by David on June 13, 2022
Q: You have thoughts about gold going forward?As a tangible asset instead of Bitcoin and other digital coins I have a strong feeling that gold might be at the beginning stages of a strong rally.
Some gold miners also have a good dividend as well.How did gold perform in history when we had inflation,recession,war,debt?
Please give us some insight here and what is the overall opinion from the analysts?
If there are three gold-companies to pick...which ones?
Read Answer Asked by Josh on June 13, 2022
Q: Dear 5i.

I like the idea of investing in the Data theme but would like to take the single co risk out by looking for an ETF that has several of the ones you like imbedded? Can you help me identify one (or more) please.
If none available, which 3-4 of the names you like would create a suitable basket?

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on June 13, 2022
Q: If you bot the S+P 500 in early 2000, it would have taken until early 2013 to see a general return to profitability in your portfolio. If 1970 inflation type problems persist (high oil prices and high interest rates), when would your best guess be for high PE stocks( DOCU ,ROKU, ADBE , TTD ) to recover and return to the highs we saw recently? Is it possible we may need to wait that long?
Read Answer Asked by adam on June 13, 2022
Q: Hi,
I've long been watching Nvidia and I know you like it a lot. With it's big drawdown I am likely to buy it. My dilemma is I don't have room in my cash or TFSA accounts for it, without either selling other growth companies I like or paying capital gains tax. I do have room in RRSPs. Do you think it would still be worth buying in an RRSP since any growth would be taxed at a higher rate once sold?
Thanks for your perspective.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 13, 2022
Q: 5I team: From many previous answers with regards to oil stocks I gathered that white cap was rated quite well in the oil sector. Recently I am not so sure. I typically carry something on margin and currently it happens to be white cap . Paid 12.50 per share so today down 4% at this moment and not sure to crystallize a loss. Under my scenario on margin would you advise any other options in same or other sector . Can you advise sell or hold or top choices for replacement? I do own mg, enb, and ntr. and vrif, for diversification.Any thought much appreciated.Tks Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on June 13, 2022
Q: I am down on the following stocks and wondering if i should sell so i can claim the loss on my losing positions % + loss as follows LSPD- 55%, NFLX - 59%, SHOP -47%, NVEI -45%, GSY-47%, KXS - 28%, GM - 39%, TFII - 24%, PFE - 16%. Does it make sense to sell now and maybe buy some back after 30 calendar days or do you think i should keep some of them and ride out the downturn ? can yo comment on what i should keep or sell in order of preference... your help is appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on June 13, 2022
Q: I have the above companies in my TFSA which, due to the tech sell off, are now down to about 1/3 of a full position. I do not require any money from my TFSA for at least 10 years so have a long timeframe. I also own a full position of CSU in my wife’s TFSA which I will continue to hold.
I am thinking of selling one of these positions and distribute the proceeds in the remaining positions.
Could you rank upside potential of these companies?
Or should I just leave it alone and let time be my friend?
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on June 13, 2022
Q: UVXY Please educate me on this ETF. When would it be suitable for part of a portfolio. I do not understand why it is not higher considering the volatility in the market. If one holds it currently, would you keep holding? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Stella on June 13, 2022
Q: I noticed that ZEB..holds the six major banks. However, its dividend distribution is 3.33%. The lowest of the dividend from TD and RY are 3.8/ 3.9. and the others are 4%+ . Any reason for that? May be a good reason to switch over?
Read Answer Asked by DAVID on June 13, 2022