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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: If you were planning to deploy some new money into a few growth-oriented names today, which names would end up on your shortlist? (CAN or US)
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on June 21, 2022
Q: Hi, I have very small positions in each of these. Do you think it makes sense to sell STC ANRG and WELL to add to DND and CTS ? I view them as «safer» compagnies if a recession comes and they have as much long term upside potential as the others. What are your thoughts ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by anthony on June 20, 2022
Q: Good morning good folks
When you suggest a hold period of X number of years does this imply the beginning of growth for that stock ...or perhaps a 5 or 10 or whatever percentage of growth. ? For instance I stepped in to buy more LSPD. If you suggest 2 or 3 or whatever number of years before I see any kind of profit..what could this mean in percentage?
Thankyou as always
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on June 20, 2022
Q: Hi Peter
here are 3 income stocks that have been dropping recently . are there any company specific issues i should be aware of or is it the general market drop .
How do you feel these companies will fare in a recession
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Howard on June 20, 2022
Q: Hi 5iTeam,

Would you please recommended 3 beaten down stocks (regardless of sectors) in both Canadian and US markets with significant potential upside for a 3-year hold. Please rank them in order of buyability.

Read Answer Asked by Harry on June 20, 2022
Q: Would you be able to give some thoughts on the recent price action of NTR? I had wanted to pick some up, but waited for a pull back. Got some under $130, saw it pull back some more and got some more at about $120. It's still dropping however, and I'm a bit perplexed as to why it is dropping. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by jeff on June 20, 2022
Q: More fuel for the tax loss selling debate is the prospect of a higher future capital gains tax rate where (hopefully) losses would be worth more also. With federal govt. spending showing no sign of abating and increasing interest payments on its debt, it's possible this issue will be revisited in the next budget.

In Paul's scenario it's possible more tax will be paid by taking the loss now and paying much more later with the greater cap gain on the stock price.

Also, tax rates tend to rise evidenced by tax freedom day getting pushed further along in June, and there's the phenomenon of bracket creep to consider.
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on June 20, 2022
Q: Quick follow up to my CWW Q.

I see a response to another question on CWW immediately following mine. In the answer, you mention FIW as another Water focused ETF to consider and that it has had better performance over time. So should I sell CWW and buy FIW? If I bought FIW and kept my CWW, is there too much overlap?

Thanks again for your prompt responses.

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on June 20, 2022
Q: Earlier today you replied to a question with: "We are not big fans of averaging down, but if we were to do it BAM.A would likely be near the top of the list. When 'the market' brings down all stocks we are more comfortable buying more as opposed to when a company in isolation declines. We are not worrried about BAM getting through this market and/or upcoming recession. "

Please list 5 cad and 5 usd stocks that would be in your top list that would meet the above criteria.

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on June 20, 2022
Q: Hi, Oil and Gas sector has come under pressure for past two weeks, with above equities declining 20-30% from their respective highs. Volatility in oil and gas prices could be a reason and other days, it could simply be in sympathy with general markets.
This is in the backdrop of analysts forecasting very strong cash flow generation by all these companies, resulting in outsized shareholder returns and much higher equity prices. We have 10% weighting in the sector ( Not including 5.5% ENB ). Based on the geo-political, demand/supply and other relevant factors, do you believe, this sector still has legs, say another 6-12 months or longer and equities should recover over time. Also, what would cause, in your opinion, for market to change course for this sector, in near future. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on June 20, 2022