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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Among banks, 5i seems to favour TD and BNS, though since 2019 patient investors have done well with just about any of the Big-Five-plus-NA.

But supposing interest rates are now set to rise, won't banks tend to find a trading range? In which case, wouldn't ZWB, with its covered call component, provide greater total return? Or do its MER and trading expenses claw back too much of its income?

Interestingly, since inception, ZWB's share price seems to have done as well as (for example) BNS, in spite of the potential for its positions to be called-away.
Read Answer Asked by John on March 25, 2022
Q: HI,

I'm interested in resource stocks that have long term demand - five years or more. Unlike oil/gas stocks that I'm told are too cyclical for long term holds. What resource or resources - copper, steel, uranium, aluminum, fertilizer, etc. - do you feel is reasonably safe and can you suggest some ways to play it in both Canada and the US?

Read Answer Asked by Graeme on March 25, 2022
Q: Hi 5i
I use mental stops more so than hard stops. I am just curious that if I place a stop loss limit order, is that order visible to anyone using the market depth order data? Sometimes it seems like depth changes on more thinly traded stocks. That’s why I use mental stops.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on March 25, 2022
Q: Hi Peter and Staff
I believe you are still high on the above companies....looking at possible subtraction of 2 of them to consolidate a bit.

a) Are there any of the above that are not expected to be profitable in 2022?
b) How would you rank the six companies most compelling keep to first to drop if dropping any

Moderate risk tolerance
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 25, 2022
Q: Hi 5i team,

As many do, I currently hold part of my portfolio in fixed income (bond etfs). I am wondering if you can recommend any fixed income or "fixed income like" investments that might hold up best in the current rising rate environment that seems to have a long way to run. I had held ZAG but have switched to VSB with rates rising. Currently even cash is doing better than these however. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 25, 2022
Q: Hello Team,

Given your past responses it does not seem like you are fans of Colliers or at least would allocate capital to other names first (and don’t like the amount of debt they carry).

I don’t understand this and look at the company as a smaller, younger BAM for the following reasons:

- Their IM is growing by over 50% yoy.
- revenue has compounded over the last decade while ebitda margins have improved from 9.3% to 14%.
- their acquisitions of Harrison st, basalt, antirion have diversified their offering to be more infrastructure than only RE.
- they have already proven to successfully expanded into engineering serivcies.
- Their goal is to have over 65% reoccurring revenue by 2025
- Jay Hennick has proven track record with the stock providing compounded annually return of +20% for 20 years.

I could go on and on but given the tailwinds for alternative asset managers (similar to BAM) and proven track record. I don’t understand how this isn’t in your core stable of beloved Canadian names with the likes of BAM, CSU, TOI, ECN, ATD, GSY, etc.

I would love to hear your expanded feedback on the name

Read Answer Asked by James on March 25, 2022