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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: As a follow up on Maria's question on June 29th.
Do bond prices differ from broker to broker?
Are some platforms more specialized for bonds than others?

Read Answer Asked by Serge on July 04, 2022
Q: For aggressive growth investors what 5 small/mid cap stocks in the U.S. are you bullish on right now. Lots of time on my side.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on July 04, 2022
Q: In your article Stock VS Bonds you wrote:
Investors theoretically should have an exit target price in mind when making a purchase.
Can you explain this a bit more? Would you give an example? Maybe with SU?
Read Answer Asked by Serge on July 04, 2022
Q: Hi 5i team,

If you were to do a bond ETF portfolio to complement equity and other holdings, what (Cdn-listed) ETFs would you choose for balanced exposure to a range of market environments? Long-term registered account. I am thinking:

XBB--Canadian universe
VGAB--Global universe
XSTP--Short term US inflation-linked government

Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 30, 2022
Q: An excerpt from Oaktree's quartley letters,concerning the US power grid, states:

The entire power grid needs to be updated and reimagined in many ways – some obvious and some that take more expertise to appreciate.

For example, substation equipment will need to be upgraded to handle renewable capacity additions. Tens of thousands of miles of overhead conductors will need to be replaced, and new lines will need to be built. And new distribution equipment, such as transformers, will need to be installed and serviced. In short, we believe investors should focus on the entire electric power value chain – from generation through consumption.

Could you please list some companies that you feel would benefit from the above changes.
Read Answer Asked by micheal on June 30, 2022
Q: I purchased Zip Recruiter last year after reading about it in the Investor Suite. It had a high probability of achieving it's target price. Unfortunately, the markets have had many headwinds from various factors and now, a recession may loom near. May I please have a current view of Zip Recruiter and it's medium term (2 year) outlook.
Read Answer Asked by jeff on June 30, 2022
Q: please comment on the Q4 and year end. This quote from CEO, is it just hype or is this company ready to start increasing customers and revenues? Also does the insiders and institutional share holders tell us anything?
"Though financial performance in FY22 was below our expectations, I am confident in the platform we have created for growth in FY23" said John Proctor, President and CEO of Martello. "The end of the 2022 fiscal year marked an inflection point for Martello towards an absolute focus on becoming a Microsoft Modern Workplace optimization leader. In FY22 we built the product, sales channels and go-to-market strategy to address this market, one which has greater potential than anything Martello has ever done. We are seeing early indicators of momentum around the Vantage DX solution just a few months after launching.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on June 30, 2022
Q: Peter; Today- June 29- oil and ng are both up - and the oil sector is down- what gives? Thanks. Rod
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on June 30, 2022
Q: Hi group would you add to ATZ (or hold/sell) before results are posted on July 7th what are you expecting on bottom line ?

How do you rate the Fang stocks if you were going to buy only one who would that be? -

what would be a good entry point for Tesla and why
Read Answer Asked by Terence on June 30, 2022
Q: Hi Guys
With everyone saying they don't understand their financial statements isn't this a red flag?.Also when everyone loves a stock,this to can be a cause for pause...remember Nortel Networks..
Assets are like 9.5x the total shareholders value of this company, isn't this a recipe for disaster in a rising interest rate world?
Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on June 30, 2022
Q: Please rate these energy companies in order of your best choice for growth in the next 2 years.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on June 30, 2022
Q: Please rank these for a 3 year hold. I'm down in all of them, except AAPL, ISRG & TSLA

Read Answer Asked by Austin on June 30, 2022