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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Currently, Invesque 6% convertible debentures series V are trading at about $83 US ( on the TSX). They mature on 30-Sep-2023 at $100, i.e. about 15 months from now.
This corresponds to a fabulous annualized Yield to Maturity of roughly 21%.
In your opinion, what is the risk that Invesque will default in the payment of these debentures? Does this seem to be a good risk to reward?
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on July 05, 2022
Q: Can you please compare GSY from the Growth Portfolio and BNS from the Income Portfolio. I believe that 5i continues to be very positive about GSY, but in this present economy, BNS looks like a much safer bet to me. GSY seems have about $1.7B in debt, whereas BNS has about 198B in cash or $348 per share. BNS has a forward dividend of about 5.4% and GSY is 3.7%. If you could only invest in either BNS or GSY today, what would you choose for a 5 year hold?
Read Answer Asked by Grant on July 04, 2022
Q: I have an interesting question regarding value vs growth. I don't have exposure to MSFT and still feel bad for not having bought it in the 2009 crash. With a 5 year time frame please rank the above from top stock to least stock performance (prediction, prediction). If you were to sell one of the above to buy MSFT which would it be?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Yves on July 04, 2022
Q: I have read the letter from EGLX management and their progress since 2018 seems impressive. Even the stock price is not down as much as some comparators. However, personally and for many 5i clients we are not happy with the performance of the shares. Can you give us your opinion of where management is lacking and why voting for Greywood Investments is our better option? Just trying to decide how I vote.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on July 04, 2022
Q: hello 5i:
today, would you sell (if already owned), AC; and buy EIF (not owned). Why or why not? Would there be 3 or 4 income stocks you'd prefer to EIF in the Industrial space?
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 04, 2022
Q: Hello, CDN Banks are trading at or near their 52 week lows. BNS and CM have a dividend yield of over 5% now. Do you believe, their valuations have reached close to or near their bottom and it makes sense to add, for income and growth, with a time horizon of 5-10 years. If so, what will be your preferred order for these names ? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on July 04, 2022
Q: I just watched the most recent Kevin Oleary you tube plug on the above. He was promoting Bitbuys investment in Montana. Do you have a recommendation for a Data Centre / Data Collection position strategy ?
Amazon AWS ? or other ?
Read Answer Asked by Brant on July 04, 2022
Q: Hi, I would appreciate if you can provide some insight into why Oil and Gas stocks came down so much so quickly. Are long term fundamentals still same where supply will remain tight? if yes, would you consider this a buying opportunity.
Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Harpinder on July 04, 2022