Q: I appreciated your answer to Michael regarding SJ (which we hold in several accounts) and the effect that Trump's position on coal may have on SJ. I came across this quote when a google search about this topic came up with this: "Why Trump Probably Can't Bring Back Coal (or Kill Renewables Either") The reason, as this former coal miner stated is that, basically, coal isn't as competitive as it once was. He said: “Big picture, I would imagine the U.S. is slower to phase out coal than a president who would have retained the Clean Power Plan. I think coal power is not coming back in this country regardless of what regulatory changes a President Trump is going to make. Economically, it is no longer as competitive as it used to be.”
My own personal opinion is that we shouldn't make rash decisions about what Trump may or may not do. This would apply to stocks that 5i covers or has commented on, such as BEP.UN, and others.
I do appreciate the 'tune out the noise, level-headed advice' that the small retail investor consistently receives from Peter, Ryan, and the 5i team.
My own personal opinion is that we shouldn't make rash decisions about what Trump may or may not do. This would apply to stocks that 5i covers or has commented on, such as BEP.UN, and others.
I do appreciate the 'tune out the noise, level-headed advice' that the small retail investor consistently receives from Peter, Ryan, and the 5i team.