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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My portfolio has roughly 13% exposure to materials, with about 8.5% being in the precious metals group. In general, I do feel that the precious metal sector will do well into the foreseeable future, due in significant part to increased global money supply, expanding sovereign debt, etc. The majority of my exposure to the group is divided between AEM, SMF and BTO. My concern with SMF and BTO is mainly jurisdictional: they have been doing much better as of 2016. My question is whether I would be better off selling my positions in SMF and BTO and buying a company with assets in politically safer jurisdictions (like AEM, or perhaps another company you could suggest), or whether it would be more prudent to keep my allocation as is. I have no reason to question the management of SMF or BTO, but I have learned with experience that there is significant benefit for a mining company to have its properties in areas where there will be no ambiguity as to how the extracted resources will be treated.

As always, I appreciate any wisdom that you have to offer. Thanks so much, and I look forward to your response.
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on April 19, 2016