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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I intend to reduce my equity holdings for two reasons – I need to free up some cash for other projects and, secondly, I am concerned about the current risk in the equity markets and want to discharge an investment loan I have against my house. I am happy with the securities I own and their % in the portfolio. Consequently, my plan is to generally reduce across the board.

I own both ENB and ENF. Should I sell one and keep the other or reduce both?

I also own ESP. It has been a wild ride and I am presently down about 25%. What is your outlook on this stock over the next couple of years? Given my plans for portfolio restructuring should I sell and book the loss or continue to hold?

In the US portion of my portfolio I own GOOGL, AMZN and FB among others. If the market enters a severe correction do you see these as more risky than the US market in general?
Read Answer Asked by Ross on October 31, 2017
Q: Hi peter and Team,
I have some ENF in my RIF A/C and loosing about 10%, am thinking to replace with a similar stock. Can you suggest one or two ?
Thanks as always,
Read Answer Asked by Tak on October 30, 2017
Q: Hi, would like your opinion on Enf. I have had it over a year with a 4% loss,but doing ok with dividend.
I was thinking of switching to either CWX or INE for a little more growth with a dividend. Would you consider this a ok switch or would I just be spinning my wheels.
Sector is no problem, but do like good management,good cash flow, lower debt, some growth etc.
Or could you recommend one or two dividend stocks with some growth?
Thanks,long term member

Read Answer Asked by Brad on October 24, 2017
Q: Looking down the road, I am uneasy about oil and gas, including pipelines, and I am wondering whether I should plan on easing out most of my investment in this sector over the next 5 years.

Am I being unduly pessimistic?

Can you recommend a good resource to help me become more knowledgeable on this sector?
Read Answer Asked by Carl on October 23, 2017
Q: I hold ENF for income. Given this assessment, is it best to sell now? (I'd hate to see the share price decline if I wish to sell.)

" Analysts await Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc (TSE:ENF) to report earnings on November, 2. They expect $0.49 earnings per share, down 7.55 % or $0.04 from last year’s $0.53 per share. T_ENF’s profit will be $72.09M for 16.40 P/E if the $0.49 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.52 actual earnings per share reported by Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -5.77 % negative EPS growth."
Read Answer Asked by Helen on October 20, 2017
Q: I am holding a full position (5%+) in each of ALA in a non registered account, PPL in a RRIF account, and ENF in a TFSA. I have decided that I am overexposed to the sector and
must reduce my positions. In your opinion which companies should be held for the long term and which should be sold? I also hold ALA.R in my RRIF as per your suggested opportunity, should the pending transaction be consummated.
Thank you for considering my question.
Read Answer Asked by Gail on October 10, 2017
Q: I have two unrelated questions. In a $3 million portfolio, I have about 100 holdings, which I would like to greatly reduce. I have ENB, ENF, IPL, PPL, and TRP. I would like to reduce the number to one or two of those names. My interest is capital gains and a good dividend. Which pipeline company will give me the best capital gains and divide over the next five years?

The second question relates to REAL. I bought the new issue at $ 13 and the present price is only $10.62. Should I sell and repurchase in 30 days or just sell the stock. What is the future outlook and the next reporting date?
Read Answer Asked by George on October 02, 2017
Q: 1) Are ENF.TO and RSI.TO low volatility stocks with secure dividends that you think are good bets for a small position?

2) GOOS.TO Your opinion on the stock and whether it offers good growth potemtial?

Read Answer Asked by Graeme on August 29, 2017
Q: I am an income focused investor who also wants growth. It appears that 5i generally favors ENB over ENF because it is larger and has other better attributes comparatively. Can you help give some examples or scenarios where the stock price of ENF may go down but, not ENB. Do you think ENF price would go down if ENB announced that they were selling a portion of their holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on August 24, 2017
Q: Please deduct credits as required.
You recently published an excellent report of Midstream Oil and Gas Companies. I would like to compare them with ENF so I would like you to provide the same metrics;
Image2-YoY %Dividend Growth from 2016 to 2020 with 4 Yr CAGR,
Image3-Payout Ratio from 2012 to 2016
Image4-Valuation, P/E, EV/EBITDA, EV/Sales, P/CF, P/B
Read Answer Asked by Ian on August 18, 2017
Q: Want to refine my pipeline/processor holdings consisting of ALA,ENB,ENF,IPL,KEY,PPL,VSN.
Looking for yield plus growth of ~7%. Have held all for over three years and some seem range bound,Not sure which have the most castalyst for growth.
Your thoughts on best to own and which to drop. Would likely convert the proceeds of disposed ones into more of the holds to maintain same total $ position in the group.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 24, 2017