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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi group markets really tough to read right now ? what you 3 top sector's c/w 3 top picks in each / ideal entry price /short blurb on each.
I am particularly interested in Health care as I am presently below target. I just sold LLY because info on Diabetic drug was getting poor reviews that proved to be untrue so not am looking to get back in. so what a good entry point ? Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Terence on August 22, 2022
Q: My son has saved up for a bit and has a decent amount of capital for his age. He has a TFSA but his investments are varied and not the best for a long term portfolio. We recently sat down and planned out a long term portfolio that would less risky for long term holdings. Would you guys change/swap, remove or add any from this portfolio of Canadian Stocks? TD, MG, BAM.A, ENB, SLF, FSV, T, FTS, CNR and TRI. Is the market also in a comfortable position to currently make a large investment of capital? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on August 16, 2022
Q: Are there 2 or 3 Canadian & 2 or 3 US stocks you would be interested in buying in the current downturn?

Would you buy now or wait until???

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on June 15, 2022
Q: What Canadian stocks would you be picking up today in this selloff?
Read Answer Asked by David on June 13, 2022
Q: I have the above companies in my TFSA which, due to the tech sell off, are now down to about 1/3 of a full position. I do not require any money from my TFSA for at least 10 years so have a long timeframe. I also own a full position of CSU in my wife’s TFSA which I will continue to hold.
I am thinking of selling one of these positions and distribute the proceeds in the remaining positions.
Could you rank upside potential of these companies?
Or should I just leave it alone and let time be my friend?
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on June 13, 2022
Q: Hi,

As a follow up to your answer to Curtis's question. What are some of the better companies in the data analytics space?
Read Answer Asked by Alex on June 10, 2022
Q: Which 5 stocks from your growth portfolio and/or balanced portfolio would you start buying today for a TFSA for a five year hold (for an investor currently not owing any). Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on June 08, 2022
Q: HI, This retired income couple want to invest 5K for our 20 year old grand daughter from our TFSA. To do so we have to sell some of our holdings in this account. Our largest holding SLF to our smallest TPZ are available with profits in most. Please suggest best to worst to select for raising the necessary cash. Our plan is to use the cash to purchase VGT.US or perhaps your other preferred etfs to be used in about 3-5 years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 01, 2022
Q: I own these 3 stocks. I would like to own only one for a long term investment, as they all seem to be in the same field. Is this a good idea or are they different enough to hold all 3.
Thank you!

Read Answer Asked by Donna on May 30, 2022
Q: Please suggest some growth etfs and stocks for starting RESP for long term hold. Thanks for great service.
Read Answer Asked by KULDIP on May 03, 2022
Q: I've read the Nov. 4, 2021 report and all questions since. Given premium to peers in Nov report and its more than 50% decline, taking into consideration price changes since Nov in peers (KXS, DSG, SYZ), would you say the case is stronger on a relative basis today to consider TCS for a buy? If you ranked the 4 today where would you put TCS and if it's in the 3 or 4 position, what particular weaknesses are causing you to rank it lower? Thanks for all you do. John
Read Answer Asked by John on May 03, 2022
Q: Can you please list the earnings announcement dates on these stocks and if it before or after hours..

Many thanks

Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on April 25, 2022
Q: We have new money to invest and would like to use it to correct our only significant sector weighting imbalance, which is in technology. The sector is currently represented by CSU, DSG, KXS and SHOP, where all but CSU are down.

5i has often stressed the importance of both maintaining target sector weights and not leaving too much cash idle. Now we find ourselves with the technology sector struggling and would like some guidance on how to proceed.

For the existing positions, which are long term holds, would you be inclined to spread out the additional investments over the medium term, say the next 6-12 months, or would you tend to be more aggressive, investing in the shorter term?

How would you rate (1-10) CSU, DSG, KXS and SHOP for additional money today?

If we were to initiate long term positions in TOI, TIXT, NVEI and LSPD today, how would you rate them?

Once again, a big thanks to you all at 5i! We've just renewed our membership after a first year. We only wish we'd known of your service earlier!
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 22, 2022