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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have 15% of my well diversified portfolio in Tech stocks. I am thinking of consolidating my 7 stocks into a smaller number of stocks - perhaps down to 5. I have 2%-3% in all the mentioned companies except SYZ at 1%. Any suggestions as to which companies to sell and which ones to "top up" would be appreciated, or maybe just leave as is.
Read Answer Asked by David on July 11, 2016
Q: In an transaction to-day DH was sold inadvertently instead of DSG. Since something had to be sold, would you think it is preferable to hold the DSG and let the DH be gone or sell the DSG and repurchase the DH. Commissions are negligible and there is no capital loss involved and an accompanying sale (capital loss) covers any capital gains.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 21, 2016
Q: To increase our investments up to your most recent sector allocations for 2016 (about equal),I plan to purchase or top-up the following.
Info Tech Descartes Systems DSG
Consumer Staples alimentation Couch Tard ATD.b
Materials Agnico Eagle Mines AEM
Utilities Fortis FTS
Industrials MacDonald Dettwiler MDA
Your comments and/or suggestions for something better at this time will,as always,be appreciated.
Also,are REIT`s a separatr sector for 2016?
Read Answer Asked by James Robertson on February 02, 2016
Q: Hi, after watching for nearly 2 years, I bought a small position on DEC/4 @26.27. The stock continues to steadily rise over past few years delivering in almost every quarter. I like the Global Logistics network business and huge opportunity in the future. DSG operates in small and medium scale business segments. What competition DSG has in this field? Also, it appears that co. has generated most of its growth thro' acquisitions. Is slowing organic growth an issue? Also from valuation perspective, how does it compare with CSU and KXS? Should I wait for adding to my position? I also noted that Descartes has a very large Institutional ownership, 88% per, with some well know names like T. Rowe Price (13%, started and added this year July, 2015)and Mawer, BMO, Neuberger, CC&L etc. It could reduce liquidity, but is it a strong signal in favour of thsis company ? Thanks for your help, as always.
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on December 07, 2015