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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently hold BCE, and I was wondering if it might be worthwhile to sell BCE to purchase Cogeco, as there was previously an offering by Rogers and Altice to buy the remaining shares at what sounded like roughly a 60% premium to current prices. I know the offer was explicitly rejected, but could this mean that either another offer is on its way, or perhaps that there is significant untapped potential in Cogeco? If this is a worthwhile trade, shares of CCA do more volume than CGO - would that be the more prudent purchase? As always, I appreciate your insight, and look forward to reading your comments. Thanks again!
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on November 12, 2020
Q: The market is clearly indicating the Rogers Altice bid for Cogeco is not going to be successful. That being said, share price is now only marginally above March lows, so is the stock a buy even without the bid. Good results today with a dividend increase.
Bid is more than 55% above current price with the belief that Rogers and Altice could still come to the table with a further sweetening of the bid and as you often say the chance of the bid being successful is above 0%. Seems like limited downside with the remote possibility of huge upside. Would you buy here?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on October 29, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,
Rogers and Altice are back again with a higher offer for CGO and CCA. The Audet family, who hold the controlling interests, have rejected it again and have stated that this is not a negotiating ploy. The revised offer will be submitted to the Boards of CCA and CGO. What in your view typically happens in hostile bids with a controlling shareholder? Does the controlling shareholder really control how these events unfold or do the minority shareholders start applying pressure to start negotiating and then it becomes merely a matter of price?
Thanks for the insight.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 20, 2020