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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: how much of sales are to the us, with cfx, how much will the tariffs affect the bottom lines of forest companies. On a side note it is nice to see Canadians pulling together, I for one will try not to buy any us products I willing to pay more for Canadian products
Read Answer Asked by auftar on February 04, 2025
Q: I have held West Fraser for some time, sold to take out my original investment cost and have been holding the remainder for a few years wondering if or when housing demand will start to boost the lumber/panel prices.

I think now, or soon, is a time to consider adding a different company, near the bottom of the cycle in preparation for a trend of rising prices. Canfor is going to be challenged with BC fibre supply in the interior of BC as a result of fires and government policy, while Interfor has (I think) diversified nicely into the US; Canfor less so.

I already own Home Depot and would like to add another producer; Interfor, Canfor or a strong US producer. Your insights on your "top 2" companies would be appreciated.

As always, Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 30, 2024
Q: Peter et al:
I have big losses on canfor pulp and western forest products, and have included them in my tax loss selling? Should I buy them back? Interest in these stocks has completely subsided, which makes me think that in a few years when the price is up a lot, we will hear about them every day! Please advise, with a detailed explanation. Also, would you kindly render your opinions on canfor , which Jimmy Pattison wanted so badly, and now no one mentions. Also, opinions on Interfor, and WFG, which you like a lot more, but never get any questions about. A big shortage in housing, and lumber stocks in the dumpster!!!!. They will have their day in the sun. Help me to determine that time frame. Charge me accordingly. Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on December 08, 2023
Q: I own a fully position in IWN - with what's been going on lately with sector rotation (Growth verses value) should i see half the position and buy IWO (growth) or sell the entire position in IWN and buy IWM (both growth and value) ?

Second question I own significant holdings in WEF (overweight) WFG (1/2 position) and lastly Canfor (Full Position) My question is is it time to exit hold or reduce as lumber prices cannot stay at the present level forever?? (your comment please) maybe even sell some WEF some and go with a big house builder or even Lowes (I already own Home depot ) your guidance is appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on April 13, 2021
Q: Hi group lumber companies took it on the chin in 2 short days WEF went down 15% in the last 2 days as an example . Is the run over /(Time to cash in profits) or is this simply some folks taking profits. I know housing starts in the us are off but is the high price on lumber not the culprit here and also looking like lumber inventories remain low which should = higher prices for lumber going fwd. - your thoughts are always appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on March 25, 2021
Q: Hi group sent question in last week about how to play commodities (recommendations) also do you agree the sector is in an upward trend and will it last. - still no answer
New question lumber stocks seem to be acting funny lumber prices are at record highs ($1,000 fbm) but lumber stocks are down 3 days in a row is it time to take profits on the sector or hold appreciate your views
Read Answer Asked by Terence on February 19, 2021
Q: Will you please give me your top choices in Forestry stocks, at present, Can either be CAN or US.

Also, please give your top choices in either country for Agriculture Stocks.

Thank you. Please take 2 credits.
Read Answer Asked by Donna on February 08, 2021
Q: Hi
I have been renovating an old cottage on the east coast, it seems that the supply chain has “broken” when trying to get lumber supplies to the extent that builders are saying forget about new builds.
Is there a buying opportunity here for lumber companies and if so what companies would you suggest.
Read Answer Asked by Melissa on July 27, 2020
Q: Hi Group any thoughts on why the Canadian forest industry stocks are all up significantly over the last mth . Considering housing starts / virus concerns any idea why . I hold WEF / Canfor both are up significantly but are still way off their highs should I sell at a loss into the rally or? - your thought's/direction is appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 01, 2020
Q: Hi Guys
Morningstar show DEC 2019 short term debt at $395 Million and cash at 60 million
Do you know what the short term debt was used for, an if Canfor has the credit facilities to handle there debt. I was thinking on taking a small position in this stock at current price levels, after all if Pattison was willing to offer $18 or so a share.
Thanks Gord
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on March 30, 2020