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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What is it that is ailing BIN? I've wanted to buy it now for some time, yet something keeps holding me back.

Apart from your in-house report, I've read quite a lot on this company, because it seems such a logical, slam-dunk, no-brainer (and many other metaphors to accompany that thought) that it should be doing so much better than it is. Yet, it is trading lower now than in January, and nothing seems to shake it out of its doldrums.

Does it have more competition in the space than we (retail investors) are aware? Is it an organic ailment (no pun intended, given the nature of the industry?) Is it management? Is is just the sluggish market?

I would think even in a sluggish market, we're producing more waste than ever before in history, and consuming at such a rate that it makes cockroaches blush, and yet ...

I'd appreciate a gut-reaction, experienced investor's hunch on what's up with BIN.

Thanks very much, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on September 14, 2015
Q: Hi Team,

I have half positions of couple companies in my RRSP; BIN and CCL.B. I have cash for one topping up one right now -- any preference of one over the other today? Eventually I'll own full positions in both, but I don't really like holding much cash in the RRSP as I won't (hopefully) be withdrawing it for over 30 years. Just curious which way you'd go. I own most of the Balanced Equity portfolio.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on August 28, 2015
Q: Hello Peter & Co,
There are obviously a variety of metrics to measure the valuation of the stock. I usually look at the ratio ROE/forward PE which should be above 1; you mention in your report on BIN that, due to its capital structure, EV/Sales and EV/EBITDA are better metrics. Could you please explain? How does the average retail investor parse the various ways of measuring valuations?
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on August 05, 2015
Q: Douglas Porter suggests (see quote below) that the very weak dollar will cause inflation to rise and consumer spending to fall. In terms of those 2 themes, I am wondering which of the 5i stable of equities you expect to benefit most and least. A couple of examples would be a great help.
Many Thanks

“As opposed to the somewhat mixed picture for business, there is no ambiguity about how a weaker currency affects Canadian consumers — it is bad news, period,” he says.

“Ironically, a weak currency is probably a bigger risk to Canadian consumers than the perennial bogeyman of record household debt.”
Read Answer Asked by michael on July 27, 2015
Q: I have recently renewed my membership for another year and thank you guys for helping to keep me on track in a complicated investing environment! My question - Could you please suggest half a dozen Canadian companies, in addition to the Canadian Banks, that pay a decent dividend and do at least 50% of their business in the United States. These companies must not be involved in the oil and gas industry and must not be headquartered in Alberta. Many thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Paul W on July 13, 2015