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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Just comparing NPI to other electric utilities in Canada during the past year this one wins hands down. Can you please explain the recent outperformance and future prospects. It still has an attractive yield of 5%. NPI generates power from renewable sources but then so does BEP.UN as opposed to a coal based utility such as TA. perhaps NPI would be a nice addition to the income portfolio.
Thanks for your great service,

Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 01, 2016
Q: Good afternoon 5i team. An insightful article in the Globe & Mail yesterday suggests that NPI may be using unusual accounting to calculate its dividend payout ratio. Got the gist of the article, which may be the reason for the stock price dropping over 2% today, though the accounting discussion is a wee bit technical for me.
Could you help with this? Does the point of the article seem valid, or are NPI's arguments against the third party opinion reasonable?
Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on March 02, 2015