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Investment Q&A

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Q: REIT Strategy

REITS have had a good run recently, I recently purchased IIP and CAR.UN. Is there anything that I need to watch for in terms of what could possibly turn things negative? Outside of rising interest rates, what else could affect the REIT Sector. I have heard that new builds will not have rent control in Ontario, and there may be more competitive threats in the near future.

Read Answer Asked by Neeraj on March 29, 2019
Q: Thank you for your great service. I'm a young retiree. I need 5% after tax revenue for living expenses. My portfolio consist of 10% cash/equivalent, 2% Prefered (CPD) 15% high dividend stocks, and 65% other well diversified long stock positions of which half also pay dividend in the 2-3% range. Considering that my REITs represent 8% would you consider a good opportunity to add to my REITs since interest rates are going to stay low for the foreseeable future and hence high dividend and distribution stocks should do well in this environment. If so which of the above mentioned would you add to or if you have a better suggestion please do so. As for tax implication I own all my REATs in either TSFA or my RRSP. On a side note I also own Real Estate for approximately 30% of my net in addition to the stock portfolio.

Thanks for your great advise.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on March 25, 2019
Q: I am a young retiree and am not allergic to volatility. I own each of the above REITS in my RRSP or TSFA for tax purposes. They represent collectively 7% of my total portfolios including my taxable account. My taxable account holds a mix of growth and dividend paying companies. It's a rather large holding. I don't own bonds because I don't understand the first thing about bonds but currently own 23% in money market or Guarantied Cash Deposits. I would like to add to my revenue generating part and would like to tone the risk down a bit. Where would you go from here?

Thank you very much for your support.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on February 01, 2019
Q: I own RIT for exposure to the Canadian REIT market. Please rank these four holdings as a long term hold in a growth portfolio. Also, I am considering adding one (or two) individual REITs to add a bit of up side to the general REIT market exposure of RIT. Would you advise this and, if so, which of these three, or any other, would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Ross on January 24, 2019
Q: Hello 5i Research Team,
I would like to invest into a few REIT's. Do you have any recommendations for 3-4 of the top ones.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by John on January 23, 2019
Q: I have the above Reits which I would like to consolidate into much smaller number. Appreciate your opinion on your preference of which ones I should keep/switch to, based on expectation of total return over 3-5 years period.
Read Answer Asked by Saad on January 15, 2019
Q: Good Morning,

Currently hold the following in my TFSA ($30,000): BNS, SLF, AQN, AW.UN, AD, SPB, BEP.UN, GSY, SIS, TOY, TSGI, PBH, MX.

Looking to deploy $3,000 and add one or two of the companies addressed in this question. What would be your order of preference in terms of combination of dividend and some growth. Feel free to suggest others.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Larry on January 08, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,
I have a full position with SRU.UN in my income portfolio.
I'm planning on selling half and buying another reit for more diversification. Could you provide a reit suggestion that would work with SRU.UN?
Or 2 reits suggestions and sell SRU.UN?

Thanks Steve

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 17, 2018
Q: The new equity issue by CAR.UN was priced almost $2 below recent trading range - and the market opened the next day with an immediate drop to match. CRT.UN did a similar move a month or so ago - with a corresponding immediate price drop. This appears to be a common industry practice - but that alone does not make it ethically right. I have been burned many times by this. Why are new equity issues not priced more in line with current trading range (e.g. to match closing price on the prior trading day)? Isn't it the duty of the regulator to block transactions that are priced to influence (i.e. manipulate) the market?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on December 13, 2018
Q: Good morning 5i, I see CAR hit the market at $45.50 and I am in at $47. My question is how likely is that to cap the price and for how long. I am sick of watching losers so I am inclined to sell and replace it with a reit/other with better short-term potential. We rely on income from our investment so be it interest or growth it is all the same. What would be your top picks right now with short-term capital recovery in mind. I am becoming increasingly negative on buy and hold. Damn that Black Swan...wish he would move on to another victim.
thanks for your input,
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 12, 2018
Q: I currently don't have any REITs in my income portfolio but am now considering adding a couple. I was considering the above 4 but really want to add only 2 names. Which would you consider or would you suggest something else? Looking for reasonable income with an eye on preserving capital during rising interest rates.
Read Answer Asked by Rudy on December 10, 2018
Q: Would you be able to rate the above in order of preference based on overall appreciation/performance over next 2-3yrs - also confirm whether you would be a buyer of any or all of them at this point in time and finally what exposure does each have to the Alberta economy.

Read Answer Asked by Terry on December 03, 2018
Q: I hold Can. Apartments and Northview (half as much). I am considering averaging down Can. Apartments due to low market yield and perhaps adding to Northview. Would you consider this ok, in order to remain in residential?
Read Answer Asked by Carl on November 28, 2018
Q: Good morning...I agree with many of the comments that you are providing a phenomenal service and great analysis...I have also been investing for the last 25 years with some wins and many losses...however, my position has improved significantly since being a member of 5i with proper stock/sector allocation...introduction to some stocks ....CSU, GSY, PBH, KXS...greed some times get the best of us and looking for someone to blame when it doesn't work out is all to easy......Thanks again!!

With some extra cash not want to sit....what REIT would you recommend for income and maybe a bit of growth...currently own SMU.UN and CSH.UN....was hesitant to add Retail but read article in Globe regarding Riocan, sounds interesting....can you provide a few of your favorites over the next 12 months to hold until move to more growth....(not concerned with weightings or tax)Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Matthew on November 14, 2018
Q: Please subtract two question credits if you feel that is correct. First, are REIT"S good to hold in a down market, i.e. bear or recession? I am thinking that ones pertaining to rentals would be? I hold TCN,CAR and IIP in my TFSA. TCN is not doing great and I am worried the future U.S. housing market if the U.S. economy tanks, will be affected by it. thinking of swapping it for PRV ( I like the dividend) or adding more to IIP and CAR instead. Looking for good income.... your thoughts please,
many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Jennifer on October 31, 2018