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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In my TFSA I have 3 big winners CSU GSY KXS and a few lossers AT NBLY TOY. Keeping as objedtive GROWTH what titles would you suggest adding or departing in the upcoming months?
Read Answer Asked by Yves on November 28, 2022
Q: Would you have a good proxy for CAE (I own AC), CJT, MX,MPW, CRWD for a tax loss or should I just wait for the stocks to recover?

Thanks for your service!
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on October 24, 2022
Q: In your response to Guy R. (Oct 22) about Tax Selling, you indicated the likelihood of a considerable sell-off still to come for this year's 'worst performing' stocks. Yikes !! Taxable account or not, wouldn't it be advantageous to sell the “worst” now, then repurchase in early December those stocks that you wish to own for the future? Otherwise, by holding, you are faced not only with recouping the loss already established, but on top of that, the additional loss anticipated in the coming 5 weeks.
My “worst performing” list includes: Canadian stocks: ANRG, AT, CAE, EGLX, LSPD, MG, PRN, SHOP, WELL. US stocks: APPS, U.
1) Are there any of these that you would suggest NOT selling ?
2) Of those to be sold, are there any that you would suggest NOT repurchasing in December ?
3) You mentioned some investors will want to buy “less worse” performing stocks so as not to miss out on a possible short term rally. Do you support this approach in the current situation, rather than just holding the cash proceeds temporarily ? If so, are there a handful of “less worse” performing stocks, that you would suggest and, would they be temporary or more long term replacements ?
Use whatever question credits appropriate. Thank you , as always.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on October 23, 2022
Q: If you held CAE and CJT would you stay with them or buy another industrial stock with the same or better growth profile in this environment? If so, which stock would you recommend?

Thanks for your service!
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on September 27, 2022
Q: These companies are possible tax loss candidates this fall. Which are most likely to be the best choices for a rebound over the medium term (one - three years)? Please grade accordingly: most likely to rebound (best to worst); potential upside (highest to lowest).

Read Answer Asked by John on September 06, 2022
Q: I follow your Model Portfolio and want to add CDR Stocks - (AAPL, NVDA, GOOG, AMZN, META, DIS, and V) since I want to keep 25 stocks. Which one would you suggest selling from Balance Equity Portfolio and replacing it with 7 CDR stocks?

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on August 24, 2022
Q: In a diversified portfolio currently hold CAE and thinking of switching to riskier ATA given dismal outlook for former and after it cut its dividend. Still need to increase my industrial holdings and CAE is my only aerospace subsector holding. Other industrials are WSP. TRI, TFII, BBU, BBUC and BAM. Your views?
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on August 24, 2022
Q: I was thinking of selling my holdings in Paychex based on short term price target upside and purchasing CAE which seems to be selling at a discount with recent insider buying by Elise Eberwein one of their newly appointed directors. Your thoughts on this? And how much stake do you put into seasonal investing? What do you think of the people and website running equityclock?
Read Answer Asked by James on August 17, 2022
Q: I will have to raise cash by December 30th for a mandatory RIF withdrawal. I will sell from this group of stocks. I assume it is better to retain the stocks with the highest growth potential. So in what order would you sell?

Thanks for all you folks do. You keep me a confident DIY investor... especially during troubled times.

Read Answer Asked by David on July 29, 2022
Q: Taking into account their current valuations, and their individual company risk, could you please rank these stocks in terms of overall risk from high to low for a 2 year time frame:

Thanks for all your work!

Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 16, 2022