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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have some extra money to put to work and am looking at a 3 to 5 year time frame. From a total return prospective, please rank the above companies. Please add any helpful comments.
Much appreciated as usual. RAM
Read Answer Asked by Ray on January 28, 2020
Q: Peter recommended CAE on BNN partly because of a large backlog of work which includes upcoming training on Boeing's 737MAX. I don't believe that Boeing has been completely forthcoming about the issues regarding this plane but we do know that there is a design problem which created a structural deficiency, and that they tried to overcome this with a computerized fix. That fix didn't work and the plane will have been out of service for at least 15 months. Evidence that has been made public is not comforting.
My question is; how much of CAE's backlog is related to the 737MAX? What effect would further delays or cancellation have on the financial results of CAE?
As always, thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 27, 2020
Q: Hi 5i
I seem to be really lacking in the Industrial sector. Do you have a few good suggestions to look at. I do like dividends.
Read Answer Asked by Ron on January 08, 2020
Q: I am wondering what your 5-6 best TFSA contrib ideas are for where we are in this market. I am kinda a guy who favours a thematic approach to investing as opposed to buying a roll-up-er like CSU or ATD. I'm looking to buy a name today that is good & getting better and hopefully one that will bear a lot of fruit in 3-5 years. Happy New Year!
Read Answer Asked by Martin on January 07, 2020
Q: These are my stocks in my TFSA as of today. A full position is $11K. All performing well, thank you for that 5i. My thought for this year's contribution I would add to GSY and KXS. Also thought of replacing EQB with ATCO. May I have your input please. Thanks in advance David
Read Answer Asked by David on January 06, 2020
Q: i see you use the phrase “need to own”, so in your opinion what are 5 need to own stocks.
does goeasy fit the bill, i am sure you will say csu.
i know you hate the oil space but there has to be one you like, maybe parex.
i never understood need to own, that phrase only works as long as nothing company specific changes.
Read Answer Asked by david on December 10, 2019
Q: I have $40,000 to invest in my rrif and am considering $10,000 in each of these companies. Do you have any concerns with any of them?
I'm not concerned about dividend income for these and am concentrating on growth!
Ed in Montreal
Read Answer Asked by ed on December 04, 2019
Q: I have been monitoring the above list of stocks. I have some cash to deploy in the names. Can you please list the above names in your preferred order to purchase them. Which ones you like the best? Should I wait for tax loss selling season to see more pressure on the names. Thank you for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Marcela on November 04, 2019