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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dan asked a question on May 11 about ranking the prospects of DOO, GOOS, CAE, LSPD over the next 5 years. Your answer was following ranking: LSPD, GOOS, DOO, CAE. My question is would you rank these 4 companies the same way for prospects over the next 12 months?
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 15, 2020
Q: I am hoping that you can shed some light on the revenue streams for CAE. I don't expect the airline industry to show much growth for a couple of years and but I am wondering how much this affects this company. How much of their revenue is generated from training brand new pilots, pilots on new aircraft, regular ongoing training for pilot license maintenance etc.? I know you like CAE and I normally don't pay that much attention to timing as I am a buy and hold investor. However, I am wondering if in this instance are growth revenues still two years away or do they maintain fairly even cash flow? I am assuming that the medical division is still a minor contributor to cash flow.

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 14, 2020
Q: I am about to triple the size of my investment in the portfolio above and give equal weighting to all. Virtually all of this new money will be in non-registered accounts. In total, this self-directed portfolio will represent 20% of my holdings; I also have 40% in a growth-focused pension fund, and 40% in a mix of ETFs through a robo-advisor.
Do you have any suggested changes to the list of names? I am primarily focused on growth, with a 3-5 year horizon.
Do you recommend a different weighting e.g. heavier on some, lighter on others?
What are your thoughts regarding timing? I am tempted to put all of the new money in now, betting on the sustainability of the recent recovery. But I understand that a phased approach will reduce risk.
Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Ben on May 12, 2020
Q: Looking for some good growth prospects over the next 5+ years. Don't mind taking on something higher on the risk scale. I am evaluating some stocks that seem to be quality companies that have fallen dramatically. Would you please rank DOO, GOOS, CAE, LSPD as to how much upside you see from the current stock price for a long term hold.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on May 11, 2020
Q: I currently own CAE in my TFSA and considering buying GDI but then I would be over exposed in the industrial sector in my TFSA but not overall in my portfolio. Would it be ok to buy this stock in my TFSA or should purchased in a RRSP or non RRSP as I have cash in all 3 account?
Read Answer Asked on May 11, 2020
Q: In anticipation( trying to remain positive) of a Covid Vaccine what stocks in particular in both US and CAN will outperform in your view. Which stocks may retreat, at least initially?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marty on May 11, 2020
Q: Hi 5i,
Based on your input, I'm looking to stack up on Industrials, Tech, and C. Discretionary. I have a 5-10 year+ timeframe and have a huge focus on outsized YoY revenue growth / returns for my portfolio. I can tolerate a lot of volatility and risk.

1. For Canadian industrials, what would be your top growth picks? Also looking to get one aviation exposure, what would be the best one out of AC, CAE, EIF?

2. For Canadian Tech, I currently have SHOP, KXS, LSPD, REAL. As you can see I'm aiming for outsized YoY Revenue Growth. Can you suggest other names? How does PHO and STC compare with them?

3. I have BYD, DOO, and GOOS. Can you name two MUST HAVES for Consumer Discretionary/Cyclical in the US?

Please subtract credits as you find appropriate. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 11, 2020
Q: I have a little money. Aqn or cae for growth over the next 3 years or other suggestions.
Is it time to cash in Gil . Did Gil drop their dividend. I follow your BEP
Thanks as always for your great guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 05, 2020
Q: Given the bounce back has been "quicker" than expected, what would be your top 5 US and CDN growth picks ranked in order with a strong management and balance sheet that would be considered "on sale" still from the Covid effects? Given I have a 5-10 year timeframe. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on May 04, 2020
Q: Good Morning
I currently have 37 positions spread over 3 accounts(RRSP,TFSA,INVEST). Most if not all are or at one time been in 5i’s model portfolios. Many of these are currently at 1.5% or less and although I believe they all have varying levels of potential their current weighting in my overall portfolio will have little impact unless they all go up. I believe I should consolidate the listed group, do you agree and if so which ones would you keep? Proceeds would be added to the remaining names.
Thank you for your continued advice and guidance.
As a side note you advice regarding non action in turbulent times is proof positive. Aside from harvesting some tax losses and buying proxies for a handful of names, my portfolio is now bordering on even for the year.
Publish if you wish
Read Answer Asked by Marty on May 04, 2020
Q: Hi Ryan and Peter.
The gov'ts are talking about reopening Economy soon. A lot of stocks (except for the high techs) are still 50% less than the recent highs. Which industries or companies do you think will benefit from the reopening? Can you please provide 2-3 names in the US and Canada? I would like to move some money into my TFSA.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Yiwen on April 29, 2020
Q: Morning:
I own equal weightings of these equities in my TFSA. I have some cash to invest, which one of these would you buy more of at their current market valuations? Looking for capital appreciation over the next 8 to 10 years. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 23, 2020
Q: I recently sold Shopify at a huge gain, as it had become more than 30% of my portfolio. Thank you for the recommendation. It was in my non-registered account, so I have a substantial capital gain. I have a lot of room in my TFSA, so I am going to move a majority of the proceeds there to avoid future capital gains. I will buy back into Shopify if the price retreats. Can you recommend any stocks, understanding that there is higher risk, that have a similar potential to Shopify? Can be Canadian or US. I have some Lightspeed already. Also, for future reference, did I make a reasonable move or should I have taken a different approach? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Dave on April 21, 2020
Q: Hello 5i team,
I greatly enjoyed your report on Covid 19 and investment themes. I have a pretty good idea as to 10 to 20 names of stocks that could fit into those themes.
Could you name just 10; I'd be curious to see how close I am.
Read Answer Asked by Antoine on April 20, 2020