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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Would Canadian funds such as ENCC, BANK, HMAX which hold Canadian stocks be taxed as dividend income or as capital gains income by the CRA ?
I believe that similar funds holding US stocks would be taxed as capital gains.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Catherine Ann on January 24, 2025
Q: I'm leaning towards emax in a cash account to diversify with the US holdings even though encc has a higher yield.

What are the tax implications of emax vs. encc.

emax writes in the money options on 30% of the holdings
I cannot find this data for encc

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by JACK on August 13, 2024
Q: I have held Freehold for a little over 2 years, and am no more than even on the stock price (but at least have the dividends). Similar to James' question today, I am thinking about selling FRU and moving to an energy income ETF. I have been looking at EMAX, but was not aware of ENCC that was mentioned by James. EMAX is new, but I like the North American approach vs ENCC which appears to be only Canadian companies. Could you compare the pros and cons of each ETF, including taxation of distributions, call strategy and any trading premium to NAV. Do you have a preference of one over the other? My objective is some sector exposure and income, more than capital gains.
Read Answer Asked by grant on April 11, 2024
Q: I am interested in your opinion of the eft's listed. With all the market turmoil I am looking for a basket of etf's with a high dividend and solid underlying holdings. I am also wondering if I am missing something in on your site where you evaluate ets's or do need to ask for that as an added service. Thanks for your help. Bob
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 21, 2023
Q: I currently hold BTE at 1% weighting and thinking to switch to ENCC and add for up to 2% weighting for yield and diversity in energy sector. In your opinion, is this the better move, or would holding both at 1% weighting be the preferred option? In an RSP seeking yield with some growth.

Read Answer Asked by Tony on March 10, 2023
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor. I own a full position in NNRG in my TFSA account.

I am looking to add an energy income ETF in my wife's Cash account. Because I am a huge Eric fan, I had naturally gravitated to NRGI, not even thinking there might be other alternatives to his income ETF. The question earlier today related to ENCC woke me up.

Could you please list some Energy Income ETFs that you think I should consider. I will then do some of my own research on each of your candidates. Is there one that stands out as head-and-shoulders above the rest?

NRGI is roughly 85% USA stocks. whereas ENCC appears to be very heavy (90%) to Canadian. Does this factor into the equation, related to income taxes and which type of account it should be placed in?

When overlaying ENCC and NRGI on your 6 month charts, they look virtually identical. ENCC has a 10% yield vs NRGI at 7%, although I suspect there will be special dividends in addition.

Your thoughts...thanks...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 28, 2022