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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What is your preference for about a 5% weighting Stantec or WSP Global?I have no other stocks in this sector of the market.Could you include info on dividend growth ,stability & growth from sectors outside Canada. I'm not adverse to some risk but don't want to "catch a falling knife" either.Thanks, as always, for your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 22, 2016
Q: I am considering buying VAW Vanquard Materials on the premise that material stocks should do well with upcoming infrastructure spending both in Canada & the US. Would you agree and if so, would there be an Canadian ETF you would prefer or another US ETF? With thanks, Bill
Read Answer Asked by William J on June 10, 2016
Q: Hi Peter and Team,

I own TMA in a margin account and would like your advice as to what to do: should I wait for the $6.25 price when (and if) it goes private, or should I sell into the market at the current price (it closed today at $6.16)? Having used the proceeds of Contrans CSS (when they were bought out) to buy Trimac, I'd rather not replace TMA with another transportation stock. If I do sell now, can you recommend a few suitable replacements in the Industrial sector?
As always, thanks for your valued advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on May 19, 2016
Q: Both companies reported recently and a commonality between the two was that the margins were slimmer. Is this the result of competition within the industry, meaning that the infrastructure story may be a bit overblown, weakness still in the industrial sector (Bird Construction sales declined here as well), from the Canadian dollar strengthening last quarter or is this simply life in the construction industry and we should stay the course?

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 13, 2016
Q: Of my Industrial holdings, I currently own WSP, BYD.UN, XTC, and MG. Industrials are about 15% of my portfolio overall, which I think is decent, but am wondering if having BYD.UN, XTC, and MG carries too much exposure in the auto industry. Is there ever such a thing as too little diversity within a section?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 09, 2016
Q: I have roughly 5% exposure to infrastructure, exclusively through WSP. I am comfortable with my position (my entry point is quite favourable), and do not wish to trim it. I have been making a concerted effort to consolidate the number of positions in my portfolio (aiming for roughly 30-40 in total) as I feel it makes it easier to make decisions on what to include, as well as when to enter and exit a position. My question is whether I should increase my exposure to this sector, either through STN or SNC, or if I should focus on improving exposure to other sectors. If I were to increase my exposure to infrastructure, I would only pick one position. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on April 18, 2016
Q: If you read the advice from the likes of Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffet you're buying a piece of a company, not a stock, and should feel confident in that company. I read your report on WSP Global, but nowhere in it is the basic question: Is this company any good at what it does? A report in the Ottawa Citizen today seems to show a startling lack of competence at WSP Global.
Read Answer Asked by John on March 29, 2016
Q: P Shoiry(ceo to v.chairman) on BNN,3/16 stated that 20% of its revenue is from Canada,& the co.has done well the last 10 years & its price is determined by the market.No wonder it has missed estimates in EPS 9 out of 14 Q.since 3rd Q,2012 as per Thomson/Reuters.Hopefully,new Ceo will do a better job in this aspect. Will the Federal expected infrastrutal spending have a material effect on WSP? Always appreciate your usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 18, 2016