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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Thanks Peter. Your services have been very educational and rewarding. Had a good year. This is my first year of subscription and I just upgraded to the full Investor suite services. All the Q&A and research reports have been very helpful. It has made me more disciplined in my decisions as well as provided greater insights to the Investment process

As the end of the year, I am reflecting on the investments done in the year. I seek you opinion to opinion some of those as under. Position size or Industry allocation is not an issue. Time horizon is long 4+. No tax consequences and have patience; there is no need to raise cash

A. Stocks with above average returns-

ATZ 62%, TOI 72%, SIS 39%, TFII 19%, DOO 19%, NVEI 49%, WSP 32%, SHOP 19%, GSY 72%, U 106%

Do you recommend continuing to hold all of them? Would you consolidate sell some and add to some?
Would you endorse Investing new fund in 1 or 2 of them at current price to go to full position

B. Under performing stocks (loss/down)-

AT 56%, CTS 8%, EGLX 40%, LSPD 8%, MRS 69%, QST 35%, XBC 52%, Well 26%, AMGN 10%

Do you still have the conviction in these stocks? If yes which are best 3 and why? Do you recommend selling some of them or adding to some of them?

Again, thanks for your excellent services and deduct as many credits as appropriate
Read Answer Asked by Nimish on November 15, 2021
Q: Hi Peter and staff,
Can you please comment on the above companies and can you please rank them in terms of growth as well as volatility.

Thanks and have a great day.

Read Answer Asked by Joe on November 15, 2021
Q: Hello, I own equal amounts in ATD.B. DOL, WSP, TFII, ATA and NVEI. If you were to sell 2-4 and replace them with higher growth stocks like LSPD, GSY, BAM.A, or DND, without taking into account portfolio weighting, what would you do?

Read Answer Asked by Thom on November 13, 2021
Q: High inflation numbers have come out--what do you think? Do you believe we are entering a higher inflation world, and if so, what (i) sectors and (ii) specific stocks would you emphasize for that? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Chris on November 12, 2021
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor, who trims-adds around core positions. I have owned PBH since 2012 (bought at $17, now at $135) and WSP since 2014 ($35, $185) and have trimmed each multiple times to keep my asset allocation near targeted levels.

How much weight to you assign to technicals? When I look at a linear chart for WSP, it appears to be going parabolic. Some of the metrics I track (P/E, P/BV, P/CF, P/S) appear on the high side, but they always have. I conclude that is because it is a growth stock. I am definitively not considering selling....I plan to continue with my trim-add strategy. Just trying to understand how WSP is defying both the fundamentals and gravity (technicals). Is a logarithmic chart better to use? Is it as simple as WSP is executing on all cylinders?

One could ask a similar question related to PBH.

Again...even though you aren't supposed to get attached to any stock, I love both PBH and WSP, made a bunch of $ from each, and will continue to trim-add where appropriate.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on November 12, 2021
Q: Hi group what 3 stocks and why? would you suggest assuming with are stuck with extreme inflation for the next several years.

Also is it too late to start a position in NVDA and if so can you suggest another chip maker that has more room to run and why so. Thanks for your guidance
Read Answer Asked by Terence on November 12, 2021
Q: Hi guys,

These are my top (by%) holdings, all around 5%. Which ones, if any, would you let run above 7%?
Read Answer Asked by jim on November 11, 2021
Q: Hi 5i
With the US Congress passing the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure bill last Friday evening, what sectors and Canadian stocks would you suggest might benefit the most going forward. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on November 08, 2021
Q: Similar to the previous question posted for US stocks. Could you please provide your top 6 CAD picks regardless of sector?
Read Answer Asked by Eric on November 06, 2021
Q: To gain exposure to industrials would you prefer TIH, FTT, Stantec or another? Are TIH and FTT similar businesses, meaning would you ever hold both in the same portfolio with a limited number of holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on November 05, 2021
Q: I would like to add to 5 of the above positions in my TFSA. Based on the current environment, which 5 positions would benefit the most from a larger base. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on October 25, 2021
Q: What is your opinion on the activist investor situation at CNR? I remember when this happened with CP a few years ago. Even though I never bought in, the stock did very well in the years following Hunter Harrison being appointed CEO.

I'm asking because I am currently light in industrials, I have postions in TT, WSP, TFI, XYL. I was considering a position in CNR for my RRSP.
Read Answer Asked by Ed on October 21, 2021
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor, who usually follows a fully invested, buy-and-hold strategy for the long term but trims-adds around core positions to achieve the targeted asset allocation. I currently have <4% cash in the combined family portfolio.

Question #1 = for new monies into my wife's account as they become available, please rank the order in which you would invest into BCE, LNF, NWC....and why? I'm looking at where is the most Total Return upside over the foreseeable future. Ignore asset allocation, I've got that covered.

Q#2 = ditto for my account, please rank for new money investment into LIFE, ZRE, BNS, WSP...and why?

2 questions...please deduct 2 credits.

Thanks for your help, much appreciated.....Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on October 13, 2021
Q: I bought REAL in juin 2020 and have averaged down on the way, ending with a large loosing position. Lesson learned about averaging down!

How do you consider the outlook for REAL? It missed estimates, but how do you like the growth, the balance sheet and the valuation actually?

Im wondering if i hold longer or if i trim around 1.5%?

Im considering the lower market to average up LSPD, GSY, ATA, WSP or BYD. How would you rank those today?
Read Answer Asked by Francois on October 06, 2021
Q: How should one adapt their portfolio in the face of higher inflation risk that is often mentioned of late?

Do you have any thoughts on this risk?
General portfolio strategy? …ie more materials
Do you have any specific suggestions ie an ETF or a company?

Read Answer Asked by Simon on October 05, 2021
Q: What are your top Canadian and US investment ideas foe times of rising inflation?
Read Answer Asked by Serei on October 04, 2021