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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Team,
Two-part question... What is your take on the news today of Propel launching an insurance product? Do you have any further details on this, and do you feel it will be a lucrative addition to the business with growth potential? Also, EQB today had news of a 300 million deposit this a significant event for the company?

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 10, 2024
Q: I have been reading questions on PRL as well as the company report. After reading the company profile I don't really understand the business . Though I did glean they lend money . Please explain why I would prefer to use them over my bank ?
Reading from their website Creditfresh partners with banks to provide loans. Banks lend money . What does PRL bring to the table that the bank doesn't offer ? Why would a bank want to partner with them ? Moneykey provides unsecured loans and lines of credit. So does a bank .... What does PRL do to make a better experience ? The same question for Fora which appears to be the same as Moneykey only centred in Canada ?

What I am trying to understand is the business model and why a consumer would use them over a conventional financial institution ..... I've never heard of this business nor have I ever seen them advertise.... Banks do a lot of advertising in an attempt to take business away from each other ..... So I can't figure out how Joe Sixpack would know of their existence and why he might take his credit needs to them ?
Thanks in advance for your always sound advice ..... Garth
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 09, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
What's happening with PRL today? I looked this morning it was up 0.5% and now its flying up 13.6%. I don't see any news. I only recently have initiated a half position in this name and was planning on adding on a dip...but maybe a dip wont be in the cards. Is it worth chasing here or should I wait to add to it?

Also...what is giving this name such a higher value when compared to GSY? GSY from what I see is growing almost as fast, even though it's a larger company with longer track record. GSY also seems to be reaching scale as their loan book growth is now growing exponentially the last year or 2. GSY just seems so undervalued all the time it's hard to understand what more investors can want here with the name.

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 08, 2024
Q: What are you 5 favorite US and Canadian companies to invest in for 3 years RAK
Read Answer Asked by bob on April 08, 2024
Q: Hi 5i!

Respecting these are in different sectors, if you could only buy one for growth for a 3-5 year hold which would it be? Why? (I’m ok with the risk associated with a high growth name as long as the fundamentals are compelling)

A million thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Josh on April 05, 2024
Q: In Chris's recent webinar he mentioned the similarities between TCS and DSG as well as the same between GSY and TCS.

Now my question here is if I was only to own one of each of the two which ones have the best opportunities for growth going forward and which meets Warren Buffets criteria most closely?


Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on April 02, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i team,
What are your favorite Canadian small cap, growth stocks, in order of preference, right now.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 01, 2024
Q: In an earlier response to Olympia Financial Group regarding a 1% interest rate increase/decrease having a 33% increase/decrease on the companies annual earnings you said:
"this sensitivity to interest rates is common for financial companies that earn interest on a large investment holding (such as brokers, insurance) "
Please name 5 Canadian companies more sensitive to interest rates (on earnings) then Olympia Financial Group? I want to track a basket of these stocks.

If you expected rates to be revert to 3-4% for the next 10 years is Olympia still a good investment at these levels today?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 25, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
I've held GSY for a number of years through both steep increases and steep drops, and currently am up 24%, including dividends. I've been heartened seeing it recover from the $90 range to its current $165 or so, but wonder if it's got much more in the tank...?
Maybe just an itchy trigger finger, but I'm mulling over selling 1/2 of my GSY and using the proceeds to purchase PRL - the rationale being to spread the investment risk allocated to such lenders between two companies rather than having it all with one, and also for the prospect of greater capital appreciation and dividend return over 3 years or so for the share of the funds put with PRL.
What do you think - wise move or unnecessary fiddling with a good thing?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 25, 2024
Q: BNS - Stock Charts on 05/28/24 as the next earnings, Yahoo Fin. has 03/01/24 as ex div. payment. The question is, if I sell on 03/02/24 will I receive the div.

LMN - I'm thinking of buying more of this stock. It appears to me that this is a good time, for it has traded sideways for the last week.
Question what is the outlook for this stock in 24/25 yrs.

PRL - Bruce Murray was on BNN Mar 19/24 and commented about Propel Holdings Inc. PRL-TSX. I checked on Yahoo Fin. and they indicated full year earnings 7 days ago beat expectations, but it doesn't appear the market was not impressed. What can you tell me about this company. Yahoo indicated some red flags.
So I would greatly appreciate your input.
Thank You very much Appreciate your service
Read Answer Asked by Earl on March 22, 2024