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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi team,

About 6 month ago, you provided a list of 10 stocks you considered "high conviction" buys. Thus, I bought VRT, HPD.A, LLMN. I have no regrets so far....for good reasons.
Grateful if you would provide your actual high conviction list, both in Canadian and U.S. stocks, indicating your order of strongest conviction.


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on April 25, 2024
Q: In any otherwise well diversified RIF portfolio I am considering exiting T and BEP.

I am looking to replace them with a couple of holdings that you feel have far greater upside in the next 3-5 years (realizing that the volatility may increase to some extent but in line with the potential for greater returns).

I have referred to several of your current favourites (which we do not currently hold) as potentials and am open to other suggestions you might have along the same lines.

If you could comment on the elimination of T and BEP and also if you believe any of the listed ones (or others ) would provide a substantially better risk/rewad profile over the next 3-5 years it would be appreciated.


Read Answer Asked by Terry on April 25, 2024
Q: Hello, I’ve noticed that Propel Holdings Inc. (PRL:CA) is not included in the list of the 10 Canadian Small Cap Companies - Special Report. Is there a reason? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on April 25, 2024
Q: Hi 5i: I have a small position in LMN. I will add PRL with a pullback??? I would like to add a 3rd Canadian from the tech space.
I would appreciate your recommendation for this addition. Thank you for you your suggestion.

Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 25, 2024
Q: What is your latest idea that you think is as good as when you initially identified LMN? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Judith on April 24, 2024
Q: Hi team ,
PRL and HPS.a are selling off after their big run ups. Are either of them approaching buying opp levels yet ? Which one would you prefer adding to if so ? If you don’t consider them at buy levels yet , what prices for each would you suggest buying each ?

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 23, 2024
Q: At present What would be your top six stocks to buy for a 90,000$ TFSA contribution for sustainable growth.Any suggestions as to how to stage the purchase.?
Thank you for your remarkable service,Andrew
Read Answer Asked by ANDREW on April 18, 2024
Q: Hi,
I have been currently holding these for awhile and have done well on them, other than maybe WELL, which has been lagging a bit lately. Here are my allocations: WELL (1.7%), SLF (2%), GSY (3.5%) and NVDA (3.8%).

Recently in the last few months, I trimmed some NVDA and bought some VRT (1%) and SMCI (1%). For a growth investor, how would you rank these 3 stocks going forward? Would you continue to trim and buy these smaller cap higher growth names. With the run that they've had, I've been a little more cautious of a slowdown.

Also with these other names I'm holding, I'm contemplating trimming or completely switching to higher growth and better quality names with better runway for growth. What are your thoughts? Trim, add or switch? For example, does it make sense to trim a 3.0% position into two names that are only 1.5%? I'm against diworsification. Thank you!

1. WELL to VHI
2. SLF to IFC
3. GSY to PRL
Read Answer Asked by Keith on April 18, 2024
Q: I have had GSY in my TFSA for a number of years and am pleased with the performance. For this year’s TFSA contribution I am torn between adding to GSY or starting a new position in PRL. I’m concerned about PRL’s steep runup recently and the potential for a sharp decline once I buy (of course!). I actually don’t mind a short term decline as I am intending this as a longterm hold but I do have concerns about catching the PRL wave as it crests. Given the metrics between these two and the current buy price, what are your thoughts on these two - GSY for it’s stellar track record or PRL for outperformance in growth. Thanks for your thoughts!
Read Answer Asked by Warren on April 16, 2024
Q: I hold Upstart Holdings. It is down 80% from when I bought it. I have continued to hold it as I am hoping it may bounce when rates go down. And with its AI model, am hoping it could do quite well when lending picks up. But I see you really like Propel Holdings and, while a Canadian company, it sounds like most of its business is in the US. Could you compare and contrast the two companies? Would you favor a swap from Upstart to Propel? I also hold Goeasy in the space. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on April 16, 2024
Q: I would like to put some money to use. I have put the above list together. Can you rank which ones you would purchase from 1st to last?

Read Answer Asked by sean on April 16, 2024
Q: Good morning,

For a moderately aggressive investor with a two-year time horizon, how might you rank the listed stocks in terms of a new purchase today?


Read Answer Asked by Bradley on April 13, 2024
Q: Hello 5i Team,
I hold these companies between two TFSAs and have room for two more, small cap, Canadian growth companies. What might you suggest. Sector consideration not an issue although I do recognize the importance of diversification.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 12, 2024
Q: Hello 5i. I'm looking add a new growth position in a registered account, 3-5 year horizon, sector not a factor. PRL appeals for its momentum and valuation, GIB.A for its valuation and it sector, for which it seems very undervalued. They are apples and orages but which would you go with today, for growth? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on April 12, 2024
Q: Everyone, I have been watching the above growth stocks since late last year. I usually have one or two high growth quality stocks that will add to the average returns of my portfolio. My last purchase of a high growth stock was LMN, which I purchased last September, with an average price of $20.50. The ones I am watching now have risen significantly and I am hesitant to buy into them since they might decline 50%. So should I buy a small portion of each to maybe a 10% holding of my overall portfolio? Or should I wait till……..
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on April 11, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
I recently took a flyer on PRL and have a nice gain in a registered account, which has made me wonder if it's sustainable or if it might have topped out.
I see that in March alone management sold in excess of $18M worth of shares, with CEO Clive Kinross leading that charge at a million shares sold for almost $15,000,000 in return. Meanwhile, over the past year insiders have bought very little. I know management sells for all sorts of reasons that are unrelated to their view of a company's prospects, but in this particular case do you think there is cause for concern?
And secondly, is the current high P/E a sign it may be time to take the money and run?
Thanks 5i, and I look forward to your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 11, 2024