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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, We own RY/CM/GS- 12% , IFC - 2.75% and PRL -1% among Financials. In addition, we bought EQB - 1% position at $85, based on strong analyst commentary, a month ago. We need some cash to raise and were wondering if it is necessary to own EQB or with about 15% weight through above holdings, we can let the EQB go.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 15, 2024
Q: All of the above companies have now reported thier respective quarterly results in the last two weeks and their respective prices adjusted accordingly.

I appreciate that all have been suggested by 5i in response to numerous and varied questions. Based on your overall assessment, the recent results and forecasts and their respective pricing as of todays date, would you be able to rank them for acquisition together with a brief comment please.


Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 13, 2024
Q: Is there any particular reason why banks (eg. BNS, TD, RY, etc) won't enter the same "non-traditional lending" market as GSY or PRL? Seems like regular banks have all the infrastructure for it and it sounds like there is money to be made. Do you think this would ever be a possibility in the future?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 13, 2024
Q: Can you provide your top 5 growth stock picks over the next 6-12 months and provide commentary on why each is worthy to make the list. Appreciate getting separate Canadian and US lists.
Read Answer Asked on May 07, 2024
Q: I believe these stocks that I own all report this week. Could you please give the consensus for each. Also could you rank them in order of preference. Deduct credits as needed Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on May 06, 2024
Q: Hi, How is the Recent Earnings History of the company ? Does it usually beat estimates? Stock price has shot up, over past 6 months. Is this because of Co. producing stellar results and projecting high growth in the sub-prime sector, or the Co. received recognition/got discovered by retail investors/portfolio Managers, after flying under the radar for so long. Besides 48% Insider Ownership, are there any institutional holders ?

What are street estimates and your expectations, when Co reports next week ?

We have taken a 1% starter position and keenly watching, how Co/Stock performs, next week.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 03, 2024
Q: I am setting up an income RRIF and thanks for all your your answers to my questions. I would like to add one potential growth stock because that is me. It won't be a huge % say 3. Can you suggest a couple CAD and USD each? Thanks again. Dan
Read Answer Asked by Danny-boy on May 03, 2024
Q: I recently read the Simply Wallstreet report on PRL . Could 5i comment on what you agree/disagree with and why ? Their analysis is below .....


Earnings are forecast to grow 33.56% per year
Earnings grew by 83.6% over the past year


Interest payments are not well covered by earnings
High level of non-cash earnings
Dividend of 2.02% is not well covered by cash flows
Significant insider selling over the past 3 months
They also gave it poor marks for valuation to peers in their Snowflake Analysis diagram

Thanks for your always valuable analysis ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on May 02, 2024
Q: When 5i wrote the report on PRL the share price was $15.65 ..... Today it is $23.60 . Which is a considerable rise since the report was written ...... Could 5i plug in the current share price into the section titled " Valuation " and calculate and reassess the same statements using the current share price ? ....... This will help me make a decision regarding a purchase at the current share price .... Thanks as always for your valuable analysis .....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 30, 2024
Q: At present valuations,would you rate any of these companies a buy and,if yes,then your order of preference.Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Maurice on April 29, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
In a question yesterday comparing GSY to PRL you had stated that PRL is "slightly cheaper" than GSY. Is that forward earnings you are looking at? I ask because my brokerage shows GSY with a current P/E of 11.98. It shows PRL with a current P/E of 20.48 , which on that metric (if correct) currently values PRL over 70% higher that GSY. Looking for clarification. Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on April 29, 2024
Q: Just read your special report on small caps specifically Go Easy where you cite a growth rate of 17% mainly organically . Could you explain how this growth is accomplished ? To my albeit simple mind the sub prime lending market is something I wouldn't expect to expand unless economic times became perilous as well ..... A brief explanation of how this growth is accomplished across the three sectors of its' business model would be appreciated ? .....
Also between GSY and PRL at current stock prices which do you favour today ? .......Thankyou for your always sound council .....
Read Answer Asked by Garth on April 26, 2024