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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I would like to purchase one of these for an aggressive growth account for the next 5+ years. How would you order them best to worst? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 22, 2022
Q: The following are some of the companies I’ve lost money with and will sell for tax purposes. I am wondering what your opinion is re their repurchase as commented on below.

The following I don’t feel I need to buy back, unless you feel differently.

The following I would like to buy back ASAP unless you feel otherwise. Considering the state of the market do you think I would need a proxy for the next 30 days?

The following are stocks I would like to buy back but don’t see the urgency, considering how the market currently views these companies, notwithstanding their financial outlook.
COIN, LSPD (I already own SHOP), U, UPST

Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on December 14, 2022
Q: Hi 5i Team,

Would you recommend any of these as a buy at this current time as a basket of smaller cap companies? If so, what order would you rank these?

Read Answer Asked by Jonathan on August 08, 2022
Q: Good morning Team, I am looking for proxy's for the 3 stocks mentioned with the plan to repurchase in 30 days, unless 5I suggests better options for the listed stocks.

Thanks Dave
Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 18, 2022
Q: My 3 biggest losers to date are quis, prl and toi. Prl seems to be changing momentum heading into earnings report march 21. Would you buy more of any of them at this point, just hold or sell?
Read Answer Asked by Todd on March 11, 2022