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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello,

I have a diversified portfolio across all sectors. I recently sold most of my big losers like CXR and PHM etc. I'm now left with the following three losers: MG, ECN/EFN and AD.

I just don't know what to do with these. I'm down about 25% in each. I regret not selling CXR once it was down 25% and instead took a 75% loss and don't want to be in that position again. Should I sell any of these? MG seems to be the best company of the three, but it hasn't recovered this year like other stocks (at least not from where I bought) and now with Trump in there are a lot of fears about the auto sector, and I'm worried it will keep going downhill as NAFTA discussions begin. Anyways, I'm interested in what you think I should do with these three companies.
Read Answer Asked by Carla on November 14, 2016
Q: Hi Peter and Staff
Your email this morning contemplates that EFN/ECN split is reflected in the portfolio.As the portfolio is not yet posted(I am sure it will be soon), my question I have been wondering is that for those of us who got equal number of shares in both ECN and EFN on split,we now have a lot less $ tied up in ECN than EFN. Should we continue that ratio or if we are going to continue to support both companies,should we been evening up our $ invested in each?
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 01, 2016
Q: Have held this for 18 months ,been very patient as a lot of BNN analysts have liked it with the promise of "unlocking value" when the company splitting into 2 ,but they only thing that has happened really is the stocks "dropping in value" any reason why and your thoughts for the next year on these 2 companies..thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on October 14, 2016
Q: Looking for financial sector allocation suggestions as replacement for HCG/mortgage sector. Already have positions in EFN/ECN/CXI/BNS/SLF...any suggestions? or okay with going to 20% on tech vs current 15% 35 years old, money is all in registered accounts, little debt, and no need for money in next 10-20 years
Read Answer Asked by John on October 07, 2016
Q: Can you help me understand what will happen to my 500 shares of EFN, bought @ $13.91, when they split into two companies on Oct 4th. What will I end up owning?? 250 shares of each company or what?? Will I lose any value and how will they value the worth of each of the two separated companies? This is all new stuff to me. I look forward to your explanation

Thanks for your help
Read Answer Asked by Bob on September 29, 2016
Q: Hi : what is your opinion now that shareholders approved the split in two, Element Fleet and ECN Capital. The shareholders also approved the issue of ECN shares to buy Infor. how do you see the future of these companies. I own EFN and will receive shares of both. Should I keep both ?, sell one, if so which one, or should I sell both ?
thanks !!
Read Answer Asked by Alejandro (Alex) on September 26, 2016
Q: Hi 5i team,

I am diversified in my portfolio but I need one more stock to round out my TFSA. From the companies listed can you please rank in order based on your highest conviction in the company to be able to execute shareholder value over the next 5 years.

Thanks as always,

Read Answer Asked by Jonathan on September 26, 2016