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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good day, I understand (from your responses to other questions) that you like EFN, and, looking back a few months ago, it was that you held in your model portfolio (and switched out of it just before it dropped somewhat significantly), my question is this, at what price will you find it compelling value to add back into your portfolio? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 21, 2017
Q: Hello 5i

I'm thinking of selling both MDA and EFN (down 30% on each), and consolidating them into MAL. Do you think this would be a good switch? I understand that EFN is unrelated to the two others, but it's a small holding and I would like to consolidate it into a more attractive name.

Read Answer Asked by Jordan on June 20, 2017
Q: I just saw my daughter's TFSA and she is down 31%, with the above stocks well in the negative. The only positive stocks were the 3 we recommended to her from 5-I; CGX, PHO and SIS! Would you recommend selling these stocks and moving on? If so, any suggestions would be welcome. She has a cash balance in the account of 9,000.00 and she is down around 11,500.00 at the moment. Thanks for any help you can provide. We have been very pleased with our progress since we joined 5-I! Lesley
Read Answer Asked by Lesley on June 06, 2017
Q: The company issued $100M of preferred shares at the end of April and yesterday issued $1.2B of ABS term notes. Looks to me like they have encumbered long term cash flows significantly. Seeing as how the market sold off at 9:30 this morning then bounced back somewhat is telling me that current investors are nervous over these actions. Just a thought.
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on June 01, 2017
Q: HI Peter and Team,

I would like to add a response to one of your previous posts re the stock action in EFN and ECN today.

As you say there can be many reasons why a stock loses 40% of its value in 10 minutes or so.
I do find it disturbing that a short attack or the rumour of a short attack in this case,can cause such technical damage that it may take weeks or even months for the stock to fully recover. CRH was another stock that recently fell victim to this activity. This appears to be happening more and more and the regulators do nothing and the so called circuit breakers employed by the TSX never seem to kick in until it is too late if at all. However these same circuit breakers do seem to be very effective in halting a stock if it going up at a rapid rate.
I know one of your mandates is to help level the playing field for us lowly retail investors and is very much appreciated,but unless the TSX/Regulators do something to curb these destructive activities then the retail investor will always be at a disadvantage and remain cannon fodder for these unscrupulous shorters.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 01, 2017
Q: On the news "Element issues US$1.2 billion of rated ABS term notes through Chesapeake" the stock has dropped 38% (and halted)

CIBC just reiterated their $15 target price and said it is a buy and deal is good.

Would retail investors be selling out here? Am looking at buying here - dividend is now coming close to 5%

Also can you explain the use of the ABS term notes for the fleet management business. Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Mayur on May 31, 2017
Q: Are we seeing yet another short attack here?
Looks like they had a very positive announcement with the ABS notes just yesterday and now the stock is getting decimated. Why do these short attacks keep happening in Canada is there anything we can do about it. HCG, CRH, BAD, I'm sure there are others that I can't recall. Its getting tough to be a Canadian small/midcap investor.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on May 31, 2017
Do you see anything that would explain share fluctuations last couple of days? Is this someone establishing a position in the stock?

Can you compare current institutional position in the stock to historical data? Would that account for the meteoric rise of the stock?

Read Answer Asked by JR on May 15, 2017