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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently have a quarter position in Element Financial and as the trend line was down, I was holding off buying additional shares in EFN. Now with the announcement of the split of EFN into two entities, and the most likely increase in the p/e rating increasing, I am wondering if I should buy now, or in a weeks time, say, or hold off until the split is actually done.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on February 16, 2016
Q: EFN is starting to look very attractive. Why is it so beat up?
The management presentation references tangible leverage, which appears high but wondering if you could put it in context, I'm guessing as a financial this kind of leverage is more acceptable. They seem to be generating higher returns now but if thats just happening due to additional leverage its not really a value add. Do they have any oil and gas exposure? Chesapeake is referenced in the deck, not sure how that ties and how large that exposure would be.

Read Answer Asked by Rob on February 03, 2016
Q: Happy New Year Peter. I thoroughly enjoy your service.
I bought EFN in May of 2015. It is about to hit my "25% Mental Trailing Stop" when I have to re-evaluate this stock as to whether or not to sell it at market price. It is currently at 24.4% while my actual loss is 15%. I use Trailing stops to limit my losses. It has worked very well for me. I have an option to raise my "trailing stop" after the evaluation to a higher level. What's your current view of EFN, the good and bad?
Read Answer Asked by Ford on January 08, 2016