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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello, can you please share your top 5 candidates for potential multi bagger returns within the speculative part of my portfolio? I'm fine with taking on the associated risk and would likely hold within a TFSA as a smaller speculative portion of my portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Nick on May 30, 2024
Q: HI,
you had mentioned recently that we could be in another historic buying opportunity for growthy small caps. along those lines...
this list contains some of my small cap/more speculative holdings. could you comment on these as a current buy, sell, or hold. I am a long term investor ( 5-many years). and if any are screaming "I am going to zero" (like Xebec). and do you have high conviction on any other small cap growth stocks presently? cheers
Read Answer Asked by chris on December 05, 2022
Q: Since we are entering what will probably be a very active end-of- year tax loss selling season , wondering if you will be providing a Report on potential candidates as you have in previous years ?
More specifically , I am interested in one such candidate - CPLF - which is off about 80 % from its high with sell-off accelerating over the past week chopping off about a quarter of its value on much heavier than normal volume.
Would you consider this company as one worth taking a chance on ?
Or better candidates in the context of many such huge sell-offs this year ?
Read Answer Asked by William on October 31, 2022
Q: hi,
looking at recent earnings reports ( last was final year 2021/fourth quarter 2021 march 23,2022 release ), CPLF looks pretty good to me. it has growing revenue, profit, EBITDA, as well as a significant decreasing net loss. it seems to be in a business that is not going away, even with current economic conditions. it is extremely under the radar. it has positive cash balance. it is way down in price. do you think this is a good time to nibble away and add to a position? what are your current thoughts on this one? why do you think there is no coverage of this one in any investing/business media? cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on May 30, 2022
Q: I bought the above 3 companies when they IPO. CVO and CPLF have lost almost half their value. Should I sell and the loss.? And what do you think of MAGT?
What would you recommend as replacement?
Read Answer Asked by Joanne on April 21, 2022
Q: hi. can I get your opinion on these 3 growth stocks. and could rank them in regards which you would consider the best buy for a tfsa. also, do you think all 3 would fit well into a tfsa, and if you have any other names to add, feel free, always appreciate the expert advice, cheers, chris
Read Answer Asked by chris on March 31, 2022