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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there. Can you comment what the impact of GOOG, MFST and AMZN and their creation of their own Quantum chips is on companies like RGTI and IONQ? Are RGTI and IONQ trying to do the same things as the bigger companies but from a weaker position or are they complimentary or poised to benefit from innovations of these larger companies? Obviously RGTI trying to beat GOOG at R&D if they are racing the same race seems like a long shot.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 03, 2025
Q: Rigetti is clearly a very volatile company with lots of possibility for growth given the nature of its business, and it's current stage in its lifecycle. In your opinion, what differentiates Rigetti from other quantum computing businesses; and if you were to invest in this space is Rigetti your top option or are there other possibly more mature firms that should be considered.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on January 27, 2025
Q: I have read the question history on Quantum related companies and have noted that these 4 seem to be most well known.

Are there any publicly traded, earlier stage (not yet pumped) companies that are worth monitoring for future potential? Not companies you buy today but companies with interesting concepts/potential in this field that could be "next".
Read Answer Asked by Tim on January 16, 2025
Q: Two part question:
You are often asked to suggest 5 companies for a TFSA or for growth and are consistent in suggesting names like CLBT, TVK and NBIS. My question today would be for you to introduce five high growth companies that you are watching but not recommending from the US market. Can you please list companies that excite you but have not yet been mentioned here?
As part two, can you state what you like about each company AND what you are watching for before actively recommending? Take 2 or 3 credits or whatever is needed to provide a comprehensive answer please.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on December 17, 2024
Q: Good morning; I had asked a question the other day about RGTI-Q. I do appreciate the response. One of my questions was as follows regarding the quantum space;

"Is this space one to watch, and if so which companies should be on the radar (in order of preference please)?"

Could you please provide some insight into this; thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on December 13, 2024
Q: What are the best companies in the following sectors you would invest in for maximum profits.
Thank you.
Canadian gold mining
Arms Manufacturers
Auto Parts
Quantum Computing
Read Answer Asked by Helen on July 12, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,
On the topic of a recent question regarding quantum computing, could you provide a any names in this area? I thought IBM R&D was involved but not sure about any others.
Read Answer Asked by mike on January 19, 2024
Q: Hi there, I am down considerably on the above stocks. Can you please advise which stocks have the greatest chance to recover in the next few years? Most are over 70% down and should I sell some to reinvest in better operating companies such as GOOG and AMZN. thank you for your time.
Read Answer Asked by Daniel on January 26, 2023