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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Have a couple of stocks in LSPD and SNAP that have performed poorly over the last year. Was thinking about replacing with Lumine Group and AEHR. Do you think a trade like this would make sense. Would there be other stocks that have high upside that you would also consider? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on April 18, 2023
Q: Aehr Test System (AEHR) recently announce offering of common shares $25 million of shares. In a sense, for this offering, the working capital will be increase by $25 millions. But the total number of shares outstanding will be increase by $25 millions. In the short term, there is $25 million of shares available for sale.
My question,
(1) Is my understanding of what I said above is correct?
(2) what do you think, why a company raise money At-the-Market instead of through the dealer of slot sale to the public.
(3) what do you think, the impact on share price short term and long term.
Read Answer Asked by Lucius on February 13, 2023
Q: I'm primarily a growth investor with a tolerance for risk. I do not have any semi-conductor companies in my portfolio. I was considering AMD or NVDA but I'm not wondering if AEHR might be good play to consider since it does chip testing. It does seem to be growing revenue quickly and surprising the market with it's earnings. What comments/advice do you have wrt to how I should think about the chip players including the high tech testing play that AEHR offers? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Marc on January 25, 2023